Due to Exit Exam
The South Carolina General Assembly recently approved legislation that removes the exit exam as a requirement for graduation beginning with the graduating class of 2015. Under Act 155, the elimination of the exit exam (BSAP, HSAP) requirement is retroactive to the graduating class of 1990. The Office of Federal and State Accountability at the South Carolina Department of Education and Anderson School District One has created procedures to assist anyone seeking to petition for a diploma.
Jane Harrison, Anderson School District One Assistant Superintendent for Instruction said, “We are very excited to help anyone interested in petitioning for their diploma if they meet the qualifications. To speed up the process, please make your initial contact at the local high school that you attended. Summer hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 – 5:00.”
Anyone interested can find the process on the Anderson One webpage at www.anderson1.k12.sc.us Also you may call your local high school where you would have graduated for more information. You will need a copy of your birth certificate to petition for the diploma. Once the transcript is verified and the correct number of credits was earned, the request will be sent to the school board for approval. Once approved, the district will order the diploma. When it arrives, persons receiving their diploma will be invited to the next school board meeting for recognition. All appeals must be submitted to the local high school by December 31, 2015.
For additional information, contact the local high school guidance department at Palmetto High (864-847-7311), Wren High (864-850-5900) or the district office at 864-847-7344.