The following information from the various departments of the county, reflects the business and construction growth in The Journal readership area . . .
Compliance Issues
Illegal business located in residential area located in Bentwood Subdivision in the Powdersville area.
Illegal signage removed Highway 29N, Highway 24 and Highway 28 Bypass.
Encroachment of a fence located on James Cox Road. A survey will be required to locate the property lines.
* Ditching crew improved a turn radius at the intersection of Spearman Road and Campbell Road in the White Plains area of Anderson County.
* Principal Engineered attended a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Action Plan Kick-Off Meeting at Palmetto Middle School last Thursday night.
* Assistant Principal Engineer attended the SCDOT 2040 Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan Public Meeting; also attended the 2014 Safety Summit sponsored by 811.
* Plans were approved for Midway Road Subdivision.
Building and Codes
Permits Submitted – 8 New Single-Family Dwelling and 3 Addition/Renovation; 3 Detached Garage/Storage Buildings; 1 Renewal; 4 Demolition; 11 Electrical and HVAC Upgrades; 4 Commercial Including: Center Point in Powdersville Shell – Building A, Center Point Powdersville Shell – Building B, Chick-Fil-A Powdersville, Electrical for Construction Trailer; 11 Mobile Home including: New Homes, Change of Ownership, moves from other counties, change of location, etc.
* DRAWINGS SUBMITTED: Carolina Ford in Honea Path, Addition to Greenville Valve & Fitting in Piedmont, Kitchen Fire Repair for McDonalds in Belton, Sign for Roberts Body Shop – Mini Storage and various resubmittals
Development Standards
* Received and processed applications for the following upcoming meetings:
§ Variance Application for Orian Rugs to allow for HVAC machinery to encroach into the 25′ setback requirement located Highway 81N. Anderson (Citizens Advisory Committee for Council District One will also hear this request-October 1, 2014)
§ Variance Application for Chick-fil-A to allow for four (4) additional attached wall signs located on Highway 153.
§ Variance Application for a proposed Family Dollar to allow for additional wall signage located on Highway 29 North, Anderson.
* Conference call with sign representatives for the proposed Walmart (Reed Road) regarding a variance request. The sign company will move forward with submittal for compliance on main signage and will opt to go before the Citizens Advisory and Board of Land Use Board of Appeals in November for consideration to allow for additional signage.
Residential structure out of the floodplain. The property is located at Lot#9 Madison Ridge Subdivision.
* Attended Land Use Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting for a Special Exception for Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens located on Highway 81N and Craytonville Fire Department. Both Applications where unanimously approved by the Board.
§ Walmart Express Landscaping plan located on BHP Highway.
§ Interstate Tire located on Easley Highway in Pelzer.
Solid Waste
* Construction of the new Slabtown and Carswell Convenience Centers began this week with clearing and grubbing. Staff is removing our equipment from the Carswell site and moving it to our White Street location during the construction. Residents are being instructed to take their materials to the Agnew Road, Parker Bowie or Craytonville Convenience Centers during the construction. Everyone is pleased that they will be getting the new centers.
* Staff is continuing to prepare for the “Great Anderson County Cleanup” on October 18, 2014. We are contacting local companies, organizations, municipalities and residents to help volunteer for the event.
Stormwater –
* Staff conducted pre-construction conferences at the proposed Chick-fil-A at Powdersville Station off Hwy 153.
* A stormwater permit termination approval was issued to Grace Church in Powdersville off Hwy 81.
Wastewater –
* ROW crew cut approximately 4500 feet of sewer line at Hembree Creek, Hurricane Creek and Boscobel sewer lines this week.