Around the County . . .


This is a summary of county actions taken and considered by the Anderson County Public Works Department in our coverage area:

  Plan Review Staff Meetings

§  Met with Contractor at the Food Lion Shopping Center on Hwy 81 North to look at an up-fit to an existing space. Some interior walls will be added including electrical and plumbing.


§  Attended and presented staff reports for variances for the following Districts- District 1, variance request to allow for additional wall signage for the proposed Walmart located on Reed Road. The vote was 3 in favor to allow for 50% of all the requested square footage and 0 against the request. There was no opposition of the request in attendance.  Two citizens spoke in favor.

§  District 4, variance request for a reduction of front yard setbacks for HVAC equipment for Orian Rugs. The vote was 4 in favor and 0 against the request, with no opposition.

§  District 5, variance request for a reduction of front yard setbacks for the construction of a single-family home located on Voyles Road, Anderson. The vote was 3 in favor and 0 against the request with no opposition.

§  Recommendations will be presented to the Land Use Board of Zoning Appeals at their October 9, 2014 Meeting.

*   UPCOMING HEARINGS:  Prepared staff reports and packets for the upcoming Land Use Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting scheduled for October 9, 2014. The Board is scheduled to hear the following variances:

§  Request to allow for four (4) additional attached wall signs for Chick-Fil-A located on Highway 153.


§  Craytonville Volunteer Fire Department (amended) located on Three & Twenty Road.

§  Anderson Auto Repair Shop located on Brushy Creek Road, Easley


§  Heatherstone Apartment Complex Final Landscape Plan located on Highway 153

§  Bojangles Restaurant located on Highway 86 and Highway 17

§  Walmart Express located on BHP Highway (Final Revision) §  Proposed Bed & Breakfast conversion of a single-family home on Philwood Drive and Paulan Road.

§  Midway Ridge Subdivision, proposed 36 residential lots (PD approved in 2006 with no changes). The property is located on Midway Road, Anderson.

Roads & Bridges

*   Presher Road Box Culvert Project: Crew continued to back fill the new box culvert, asphalt binder scheduled for next Thursday.

with repairs completed, crew hurried to catch up many paving projects that are behind schedule.

  *   Hickory Road in the Pelzer area, received a short section of new asphalt surface to help retain the sub-base.

Solid Waste

*   Staff is continuing to prepare for the “Great Anderson County Cleanup” on October 18, 2014. Convenience Center Attendants continue to hand out cards to our residents asking for volunteers

*   Staff provided West Pelzer with a 40-yard container in an effort to clean up limbs in the area.


*   Duke Energy has created a $10 million Water Resources Fund for projects that:

§  Improve water quality, quantity and conservation

§  Enhance fish and wildlife management habitats

§  Expand public use and access to waterways

§  Increase citizens’ awareness about their roles in protecting water resources.

Since many of the goals of the department coincide with these this may be a potential source of funding for future projects.

*   Received a stormwater permit application for a new fast-food restaurant at the intersection of Hwy 86 and I-85.

*   A stormwater permit termination approval was issued to the Dollar General at Hwy 81 and Six and Twenty Road in Williamston.  This means the permit is now closed out.


*   ROW crew cut 7,527 feet of sewer line in the Powdersville area from Rogers Road to Hwy 153.

  *   Discussing with developer concerning residential development off of Hwy 153 in Powdersville. We are currently working with other developers on potential residential development around Hwy 153.

  *   Working with developer for a commercial project on Hwy 81 N. Requesting that proposed gravity line be designed and installed off of DOT right of way.