Piedmont Public Service District update


By Stan Welch

The Piedmont Public Service Commission held a brief, businesslike meeting Monday night.

Recreation committee chairperson Lib Pack reported that the community building generated $342.50 last month, while the ball fields generated revenues that are paid on a monthly basis by the groups using the fields.

Commissioner Al McAbee reported that the department responded to a total of sixty seven calls, the second highest monthly total so far this year. Those calls were dominated, as usual, by medical assistance calls, with twenty nine medical responses.

Chief Tracy Wallace explained that calls for non – medical assistance, such as an elderly or disabled person needing assistance after a fall that resulted in no injury, are not counted as medical calls. “If we don’t roll any equipment, we don’t put that call in the stats; but we do log it through central dispatch to help us in tracking exactly what we do each month.”

The next highest number of calls, likely with some crossover, was twelve responses to motor vehicle accidents. That was followed by service calls, most of which involve street lights that are out. Since Metro took over the town’s sewer system, the number and nature of service calls has changed drastically.

A total of fourteen fires occurred, including six structure fires, four grass fires and four vehicle fires. So far this year, the total of calls responded to is five hundred twenty three, or ninety more than last year, at this point.

The Commission’s next meeting will be on November 17, at 7 p.m.