GWBA Golf Tournament winners announced

GWBA 1st Place Team

The 17th annual GWBA Golf Tournament was held Friday, Oct. 24. A four man team led by Jason Sims won first place. Team members included Sims, Jason Davis, Matt Stokes and David McClain.

Organizers said the event was the biggest and best GWBA Golf Tournament to date with 20 teams registered and the most sponsors they have had.

GWBA 2nd Place
GWBA 2nd Place

Sponsors included Corporate Sponsor Ace Hardware and Rental of Williamston and lunch sponsor Subway of Williamston, donating lunch for all of the players and volunteers.

“This type of success only happens due to the great support from our sponsors, volunteers and teams,” said GWBA President Chris Trotter. “The annual golf tournament is the GWBA’s main fundraiser and this year was a huge success. The funds that the GWBA brings in directly impact Williamston and area businesses along with the community through various events during the year.”

An Adirondack chair made by students at the Anderson Career and Technology Center was also donated as a special longest drive prize. Brian Fullbright was the Longest Drive winner.

Longest Drive was Brian Fullbright who received an Adirondack chair made and donated by students at the Anderson Career and Technology Center. First Place Team in the GWBA Golf Tournament last week are: Jason Davis, Jason Sims, Matt Stokes, David McClain. Second Place (l-R) Ron Hammonnd, Joshua Garrett, Adam Koontz, Brian Fullbright. Third Place in the GWBA Golf Tournament were: Jackie Lewallen, Mark Lewallen, Mike Lewallen, Mitch Lewallen

GWBA 3rd Place
GWBA 3rd Place
