Anderson School District One is one of seven districts in the state to earn an Excellent rating on performance and growth on the State Report Card ratings. It is the fifth year in a row to earn the Excellent rating and the District placed 5th in the state for student achievement.
The district also earned an Excellent for growth. Thirteen schools in Anderson One earned excellent ratings, while one school earned a good rating. Anderson One is extremely proud of the high graduation rate of 90.8 for 2014. It increased from 86.9 in 2013.
District One Superintendent David Havird said, “This is a wonderful accomplishment with 13 of our 14 schools achieving excellent on the state report card. The school leadership, teachers and staff members in Anderson One continue to exhibit exceptional skills, collaboration, and teamwork to make a positive impact on student achievement and learning. I am very pleased with our report card score and all the credit goes to our staff, students and parents for the way they have responded to our high expectations and our increased work load.”
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Jane Harrison said, “Five excellent ratings in a row are such a deserving tribute to our students, teachers and administrators. I am equally proud of the growth rating that shows students in Anderson One are making progress from year to year. Our district is at a great place right now with outstanding state assessment scores at the elementary and secondary level and an A on the federal accountability. Teachers are to be commended for their commitment and diligence in setting high expectations for our students and our students are to be celebrated for their high achievement.”
“The success of Anderson One can be attributed to the culture of high expectations for all and a tradition of excellence that starts with a supportive school board. We have a quality teaching staff. Part of our success can be attributed to professional learning networks which have provided opportunities for teachers to collaborate and plan together. College and Career Readiness standards have raised the bar in the classroom. Teachers have created appropriate learning environments to help students learn and apply their knowledge.”
According to Harrison, Christie Shealy, Director of Testing and Accountability, begins to analyze data as soon as results are shared.
“She is very instrumental in assisting our schools to identify individual student strengths and weaknesses,” Harrison said.
Shealy said, “I believe the success of Anderson One lies in the fact that we know our students strengths and weaknesses. It’s almost like everyone has their own individual learning plan as we identify exactly what the student needs to improve and strive to accelerate their learning.”