Greenville Schools District 1st time Excellent on report card


Greenville County Schools earned an Absolute rating of Excellent on its Report Card for the first time since the State has released the annual data.

“We are extremely proud of the Excellent Absolute Rating received by Greenville County Schools on the 2014 State Report Card,” said GCS Superintendent W. Burke Royster. “The improvement in our report rating mirrors enhancements across the district in instructional delivery, student engagement, and rigor. It also reflects the extremely supportive and visionary leadership of our Board of Trustees and the commitment and dedication of our principals, teachers, administrators, and staff. Equally important, this Excellent Rating reinforces our belief that Greenville County Schools is a national leader in innovation, collaboration, and career and college readiness.”

Eighty-six Greenville County schools (97.7%) received Absolute ratings of Excellent, Good, or Average on their 2014 School Report Cards, an increase from 85 schools (96.5%) in 2013.

From 2013 to 2014, 13 schools improved their Absolute ratings, 73 schools maintained their Absolute rating, and two schools’ Absolute ratings decreased.

Ralph Chandler Middle earned an Excellent Absolute rating in 2013 and 2014.

The district’s on-time graduation rate increased from 76.9% in 2013 to 81.7% in 2014, and the five-year graduation also increased, from 75.6% in 2013 to 79.7% in 2014.

The 2014 Absolute rating for the district is based on five criteria:

· Performance on SCPASS test, End-of-Course exams, and SC-Alt, administered to students in grades 3-8 (50% of Absolute Rating)

· Performance on 1st attempt HSAP and SC-Alt, administered to students in their second year in high school (5% of Absolute Rating)

· End-of-Course exam results administered to students in grades 9-12 (5% of Absolute Rating)

· On-time graduation rate (30% of Absolute Rating)

· 5-year graduation rate (10% of Absolute Rating)

The district earned a Growth rating of Good, improving from Average in 2013. The district’s Growth rating is based on components of the elementary, middle, and high school ratings. In 2014, 94.3% (83 schools) of schools earned a Growth rating of Average, Good, or Excellent, up from 85.2% (75 schools) in 2013.

· The Growth ratings for elementary and middle schools longitudinally compare students’ SCPASS scores from 2013 to their SCPASS scores from 2014.

· High school and career and technology center Growth ratings are based on the overall performance of the school from one year to the next, based on the Absolute rating criteria.