Williamston Police Report


Williamston police officers investigated the following incidents:

Dec. 14 – Haven of Rest, 559 West Main St., Williamston reported a white male and female took items valued at $50 from the drop box at the store and left in a red four door car. The vehicle was stopped and the subjects stated they didn’t know it was against the law to take items from the drop box. The items werereturned to where they were taken. No arrest was made. J. T. Hunt, M. E. Simmons investigated.

Dec. 12 – Donna M. Woodward, 49, 202 Jalan Dr., Williamston reported a bank card/debit card stolen from her residence and check book stolen from her mailbox. Also several transactions on her bank account with a forged signature. J. T. Hunt investigated.

Dec. 13 – Officers were dispatched to East Carolina St,. in reference to a civil disturbance in which a 21-year old male and an 18-year old male exchanged words. No arrests were made. C. Samuel investigated.

Dec. 10 – Harold Vanus Schrader II, 56, 137 Middleton Blvd., reported unknown suspect(s) entered his apartment and removed a Sony Playstation 4, cables, white controller and “Destiny” game. Items were valued at $400. Forced entry was gained by prying open a bedroom window. Sgt. K. J. Winn, G.. Cremer investigated.

Dec. 10 – James Franklin Frazier, 37, 215 McDonald Ave. Williamston reported an identity theft incident in which an unknown person in the state of New Jersey was receiving payroll deposits in his name and date of birth. C. Samuel investigated.

Dec. 7 – Main Street Quick Lube, 211 W. Main St., Williamston reported the locks cut off several coin operated machines and damage from what appeared to be an attempt to steal money from them. Inventory was also taken from some. Damage was estimated at $1560. Towels, Armour All wipes and other items taken were valued at $150. G. Cremer.