Greenville County Kindergarten, First Grade registraion this week


Registration for kindergarten and first grade in Greenville County Schools will be held Monday – Thursday, January 12-15, 2015. Children who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2015 must enroll in public or private kindergarten, unless the parent or legal guardian signs a waiver. Any child who will be six years old on or before September 1, 2015 must enroll in first grade. Visit your Greenville County public school January 12-15 to register.

To enroll a new student in kindergarten or first grade, a parent must present the following at registration:

State-issued Birth Certificate

Properly Completed Immunization Certificate or Religious Exemption Certificate

Two Forms of Proof of Residence (two documents required such as a current utility bill or copy of lease agreement)

For your child’s school assignment and other information, visit the Kindergarten Registration website or call INFOLine at 355-3100.