Pelzer Heritage clearing properties


The Pelzer Heritage Commission recently announces that residents of Pelzer and the surrounding communities will begin to see changes in the coming months to the properties that once housed the Upper and Lower Mills. Pelzer Heritage Commission has begun taking steps towards clearing the properties owned by the Commission and seeking public input from the community on how they would like to see the property developed.

On the former Lower Mill, the Commission is working with South Carolina DHEC, Anderson County and other agencies to ensure proper cleanup of the property. The Commission estimates that the cleanup will take more than a year to complete, however, residents will soon begin to see progress. In recent days, the Commission has had trouble with trespassers on the site and is asking anyone in the community who notices suspicious activity on the property to please notify either the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office or a member of the Pelzer Heritage Commission.

In December, the Commission applied for two grants for cleanup funds to be used on the former Upper Mill property sites. This is part of an ongoing plan to beautify the properties and make them more attractive to potential developers. Also, over the coming months, the Commission will host input sessions with the community and conduct surveys on how the community would like to see the property developed. These sessions will help provide guidance to the Commission in identifying developers and uses for the property that will best serve the community. If you have ideas for the Commission or would like to get involved with their numerous projects, please send a letter to Pelzer Heritage Commission, P.O. Box 627 Pelzer, SC 29669.