Board approves personnel requests, extends superintendents contract


By David Meade

During their regular monthly meeting Tuesday, Anderson School District One Board of Trustees elected officers, approved the 2015-16 school calendar, approved food sevice policy and personnel including extending the contract for Superintendent David Havird.

First order of business was the election of school board officers: Fred Alexander was elected to serve as Chairman, Nancy Upton will serve as Vice-Chair. David Merritt will serve as Secretary.

Melissa Hood will continue to represent District One on the Anderson County Alternative School Board. Dr. Doug Atkins and Nancy Upton will continue to represent District One on the Anderson Districts 1 & 2 Career and Technology Center Board.

District One Finance Director Travis Thomas reported that student enrollment was up by 200 students, which will result in an additional $400,000 in budget revenue from the state.

Thomas also reported that the state reduced the base student cost by $11 from $2120 per student to $2109. According to Thomas enrollment was up across the state resulting in state officials capping the base student cost at the lower amount.

Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Jane Harrison reported District One ESOL student numbers were up with 481students who speak other languages. Harrison also stated that the District now has four strings teachers teaching students in grades five through 12.

According to Harrison, there are 135 elementary strings students, 131 middle school and 112 high school strings students in District One.

Harrison said students are facing a new challenge on testing this year, with timed tests. She also said the District is focusing on “digital citizenship” for students using the IPads and recently had a speaker discuss cyber bullying and consequences of tweets.

Superintendent David Havird reported the county-wide Local Option Sales Tax will go into effect March 1. According to Havird, the district should begin receiving funds in July which will be used for previously stated construction, technology and safety projects.

Assistant Superintendent for Administration Robbie Binnicker reported student nutrition services numbers were down for November and December, partly because of processing costs for commodities being all in one month. He said food service managers are being required to take a new DHEC “Serve Safe Test” in February.

The Board unanimously approved the 2015-16 school calendar which will be the same for all five Anderson County school districts. First day of school for students will be August 18.

First reading was held on minor changes in wording on two food services policies for child nutrition guidelines. A la cart items was removed.

First reading was also held on two new policies affecting vending machine guidelines.

Following a brief executive session, board members unanimously approved a one year extension of superintendent Havird’s contract.

The Board also approved the following personnel recommendations:

Administrative – Robbie Binnicker, Assistant Superintendent for Administration; Jane Harrison, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Becky Brady, Director of Personnel, Travis Thomas, Director of Finance; Dr. Brian Keith, Director of Special Services; Lisa Cassidy, Director of Planning and Development; Christie Shealy, Director of Testing; Debbie Joye, Director of Nutrition Services, Andria Hancock, Director of Technology, Chris Lesley, Director of Maintenance.

Recommendation – Kenzie Marino, Self Contained TMD, Powdersville Elementary.

Retirements – David Armstrong, Assistant Principal, Palmetto Middle; Stacy Brooks, Grade 4, Spearman Elementary; Ray Callaham, Assistant Principal, Wren High; Maggie Elrod, Social Studies, Wren High; Cindy Gibson, Grade 2, Hunt Meadows Elementary; Elaine Goodwin, Grade 5 Hunt Meadows Elementary.

Also Bonnie Hasson, Grade 2, Spearman Elementary; Mark Hyndman, Science, Wren High; Michele Hyndman, Grade 2, Spearman Elementary; chuck Niemeyer, Science, Wren High, Jan Whjitson, Guidance Counselor, Wren High.

Resignations – Rebecca Butler, Grade 5, Palmetto Elementary; Patrice Dawkins, Speech Language Pathologist, Powdersville Elementary; Shannon Meares, Grade 4, Palmetto Elementary; Dr. William Nicholas, Science, Wren High; Lisa Stokes, ESOL, Powdersville Middle; Charmell Davis, Math, Palmetto High.

Requests for leave – Ron Moede, Industrial Technoloby, Wreh High/Powdersville High; Amie Davis, English, Wren Middle; Christina Hunt, Grade 3, Palmetto Elementary; Shannon Meares, Grade 4, Palmetto Elementary; Hannah Titus, Speech-Language Pathologist, Palmetto Elementary.

The board then met in private with a parent about a suspension.