Anderson County Public Works Department projects around Anderson County:
Building and Codes
· Received bids for Phase III of our Substandard Housing Demolition Plan and are reviewing the scope of the bids to award the contract. This will include a total of 10 Substandard Structures.
· PERMITS SUBMITTED: 6 New Single-Family Dwelling Issued and 2 Addition-Renovation; 2 Detached Garage/Storage Buildings; 6 issued for Electrical and HVAC Upgrades; 2 Commercial Including: Hytech Machine Addition and Electrical for Andersonville Baptist Church; 7 Mobile Home including: New Homes, Change of Ownership, moves from other counties, change of location, etc. 22 New Single-Family Dwelling and 10 Addition-Renovation; 8 Detached Garage/Storage Buildings; 26 Electrical and HVAC Upgrades; 1 Swimming Pool; 7 Demolition; 1 Replacement Permit; 13 Commercial Including: Open Door Community Church, Watson Engineering, Powdersville Medical Up-Fit, , Midway Ridge Monument Sign, Re-Roof of Ingles Market #16, 37 Mobile Home including: New Homes, Change of Ownership, moves from other counties, change of location, etc.
· DRAWINGS SUBMITTED: 2 Signs for Bojangles in Piedmont, Verizon Wireless Shelter for Electrical Equipment in the Town of Honea Path, New Fire Station # 24 off Hwy. 86 in Piedmont and various resubmittals.
Development Standards
§ Wren Fire Department new volunteer fire department located on Highway 86, Piedmont.
§ Craytonville Fire Department, new fire department located at the intersection of Shirley Dairy Road and McAdams School Road.
§ Powdersville Middle School Expansion located on Hood Road, Piedmont.
§ Proposed Modular Office Replacement located on the corner of River Road and Highway 153.
§ Rosehill Subdivision Bond coming up on renewal for March 2015.
§ Proposed four (4) lot residential subdivision located on Highway 247 in Belton.
§ Hanna Crossings, proposed commercial development complex consisting of professional office, medical, dental, rehabilitation and other professional uses located on Highway 81N.
§ Barr Estates Subdivision, a proposed residential condominium (18) development located on Barr Circle off of Hood Road. Both subdivisions were approved unanimously by the Commission with no opposition.
Received land use permit application for “Project Upstate”, a proposed 1,567,839 square foot beverage warehouse and distribution facility. This proposed facility will constitute a large scale project and will require approval of the Planning Commission. The property is located off Highway 86 and Old Williamston Road. This application will be heard at the Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for March 10, 2015.
· Received two (2) variance requests;
§ 1. Budweiser Plant located on S. Carolina in Piedmont located to allow for a directional sign to be included with the free standing sign and also a request for;
§ 2. Private property owner requesting a variance for reduction of side yard setbacks for a bedroom addition. The property is located on New Hope Road, Anderson. Both requests will be heard by the Land Use Board of Zoning Appeals at their March 13, 2015.
§ Illegal signs removed from Highway 81N.
§ Piedmont Wastewater Treatment Plant, demolition and site stabilization located in Powdersville.
§ New Spring Church, 64,500 square feet Powdersville Campus
§ Carmichael Latham Dock Addition and Parking Lot Improvements located on Prosperity Blvd. Piedmont.
§ Avendell, Phase II, Floodplain Development for lots 203- Surveyor has revised the plat to include base flood elevation data.
§ Buckland/Rivendell, Lot #83, received approval by both Architectural Committee to issue residential compliance.
§ Illegal signage removed in the Slabtown area, Highway 88 and Highway 8.
· Welcomed Jeff Parkey onto the team. Jeff is the new Planning and Community Development Assistant Manager and comes to us from Malaysia via Clemson. Jeff previously worked for Anderson County in the role of GIS Manager in 2000-2001.
· Met with City planning department to discuss upcoming Highway 81 Overlay project.
· Staffed the Planning Commission meeting. Commissioners tabled a request for PD Amendment along Crestview Rd/Midway Rd/Harriet Circle and Vandiver Rd pending the results of a traffic study and verification of school district capacity. The Commission granted approval of preliminary subdivisions Hanna Crossing and Barr Circle. Commissioners received as information updates on the following: Hwy 81 Overlay, Road Classification Ordinance, and CIP updates. The Commission granted a recommendation of approval for Chapters 4 and 5, which will be forwarded to full Council.
· Completed and published the Highway 81 Overlay Community Survey (hard copies, webpage, social media).
· Posted community meeting notification cards to property owners within 2,000 ft. radius of the Highway 81 Overlay.
· Revised TAP Grant application for the Town of Williamston with changes requested by GPATS.
Roads & Bridges
· R&B on-call crew started receiving calls Saturday 2-14 from Public Safety reporting trees down in the roadway, the first call was around 5:00pm. They worked all night returning home around 7:00 am Sunday. We reached out to maintenance staff and 8 volunteers came in and worked throughout Sunday answering the calls and removing trees, tree debris from the roadway and applying sand to the icy spots. Monday the on-call crew worked throughout the day and a fresh crew came in at 7:00 pm and worked calls until 7:00 am Tuesday. That effort continued Tuesday night and Wednesday Night, while the entire maintenance staff split into 7 teams and responded to downed trees. Office staff came in Tuesday morning at 7:00am, while the power and the phone system was down. They had Public Safety calling their personal cell phones to report the trees and they dispatched the calls from their personal phones until B&G could get us one phone in operation. Finally slowing Thursday afternoon, our field staff left for home around 3:30 pm, and our on-call crew picked up two calls overnight.
· In the middle of the ice event we had a few employees doing last minute tasks for the Bassmaster Tournament; three message boards were installed, we hand built a large number of signs for “Parking, Handicap Parking, Bus Stop etc.,” gravel was hauled to Green Pond Event Center, sand and salt were spread at the ramp and parking area several times during the week. Friday morning we had crews out at 4:00am placing directional signs at the event and on roads directing folks to the event, barricading an Airport runway and aprons as parking areas for shuttling spectators to the event, and sanding the boat ramp after every ten boats used it to keep the ice at bay. This effort will continue through the weekend.
· Completed first review of Powdersville Towne Center commercial subdivision. Received plans for Holliday Commercial subdivision off SC 153 and Barr Circle Estates subdivision in Powdersville off Hood Road.
· Bids for the Piedmont Sewer Road Paving were opened 2/19/15. Four contractors bid on the project with Vanesky Asphalt Paving & Grading, LLC coming in with the apparent low bid of $580,653.30.
· Bids for the 2015 Full Depth Patch and Single Treatment contract were opened 2/19/15. Two contractors bid on the project, Ashmore Brothers and F&R Asphalt, Inc. F&R was the apparent low bidder by a $112,031 margin at $2,591,312.96.
Solid Waste
· Governor Nikki Haley and Cabinet Official announce a collaborative effort to address litter on South Carolina Interstates. Secretary of Transportation Janet Oakley, Director of the Department of Corrections Bryan Stirling, Director of the Department of Public Safety Leroy Smith, Director of the Department of Natural Resources Alvin Taylor and the Director of Palmetto Pride Sarah Lyles will be working together to help
get our interstates cleaned up. Watch the video of the event at:
· Picked up litter on Highway 24 at the Double Bridges Friday, February 13, 2015 to get ready for the upcoming Bassmaster Classic. There were 83 bags of litter picked up on Highway 24. Litter is an unfortunate problem in our county as well as our state.
· Delivered thirty 95-gallon garbage containers to the Bassmaster event at Greenpond. We will be assisting to keep the event litter free.
· Environmental Enforcement assisted Parks and Recreation by handing out packets to the residents on Greenpond Rd. on information concerning the Bassmaster Event.
· Worked with the Anderson County EMS & Special Operations Division to move the mass casualty trailer to the Greenpond Park for the Bassmaster Classic this week.
· Assisted Roads and Bridges with debris removal from our roads due to the winter ice event.
· Construction continues to be slow at the Slabtown and Carwell Convenience Centers due to inclement weather at this time. We are waiting to pave the sites at this time.
· The Solid Waste Director has been meeting with municipalities and our private haulers going to the Anderson Regional Landfill to make sure they are not using restricted roads going into and from the landfill that were agreed upon for the residents the live around the landfill. The Anderson Regional Landfill staff has been in contact with other haulers that come to the landfill to ensure they do not use the restricted roads also. The roads that are restricted are Cheddar Rd., Sherrard Rd., Youth Center Rd., Garren Rd., Rector Rd. (East of the Landfill Entrance) and Big Creek Rd. (North of the Landfill towards Williamston). Proper measures are being put into place to help ensure this is accomplished as per the agreement.
· A Notice of Violation was issued to the residential subdivision Ellison Plantation in Powdersville
· Stormwater permit applications were received for a commercial development and a new residential development in the Powdersville area. Both are off Hwy 153. The commercial project is at the Hwy 153 exit at I-85N and the residential project is off Barr Circle.
· A Notice of Violation was issued to the residential subdivision Ellison Plantation in Powdersville due to improper maintenance of stormwater controls.
· An agreement to have a geotechnical engineer evaluate the Broadway Lake Dam was signed. The evaluation is in response to a recent SCDHEC inspection that received a poor rating.
· The second submission for Duke Energy’s Lee Steam Station conversion was received.
· A modification of Wren Baptist Church’s stormwater plan was received. The modification is in response to an adjacent resident’s claims of adverse impacts from the site’s runoff.
· Coordinated calling on call personnel into work during wind and ice this weekend. Generators, the VAC-CON pumper truck and an emergency contract pumper truck were used to keep pump stations up and running during the inclement weather. All wastewater personnel were put on call and carried a 4 wheel drive vehicle home with them.
· On call personnel received AC Power failures at 24 different pump stations during the wind and ice this past week.
· Met with consultants concerning flow measurement at various locations in the Stonehaven Subdivision. Plans are to set up 5 separate flow meters throughout the system to help determine inflow problem areas.
· Observed 8 inch tap into existing manhole on the Budweiser sewer line off highway 86. This tap will serve the new Bojangles at Hurricane road and highway 17 in Piedmont.
· Met with an electrical contractor to discuss generator set up for a single phase service at Regatta pump station.
· Replaced 15 feet of 8 inch gravity sewer line and installed new service taps into the main sewer line off Cobbs Glenn Drive in the Heritage Subdivision. ROW crew used the TV camera to locate the existing service taps that had settled into the main sewer line causing a blockage. Emergency contractor was called to help make repair.
· Inspected second Jack and Bore that is taking place for Bojangles in Piedmont on Highway 86. The new 8 inch sewer line will tie into existing sewer below the Budweiser distribution center.