Greenville County Schools Superintendent W. Burke Royster addressed the TransformSC’s statewide conference on innovative approaches to education today (Monday, Mar. 9). His presentation was how the GCS culture is evolving to better serve students and the community. Seven hundred educators, business leaders, policymakers and other community leaders attended the conference at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.
Greenville County Schools participates in TransformSC’s network of 37 schools and 20 districts from across the state. The initiative is a coalition of educators, parents, students, business leaders and policymakers united around a common vision: The Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. It has been adopted by TransformSC’s network of schools, the South Carolina Association of School Administrators, the State Board of Education, the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce and the Education Oversight Committee.
“For the first time in decades educators, business leaders, policy makers, parents and students agree on a vision for graduates to be successful in college, careers and citizenship. It will be a long-term effort, but we believe we can make a positive difference across the state with continued engagement of all groups in our coalition,” said Mike Brenan, co-chair of TransformSC and State President of BB&T.
TransformSC schools are working on new approaches to education using the Profile as a guide to the knowledge, skills and characteristics students need to be successful in college, careers and citizenship.