Anderson County Public Works Department reported the following projects underway across the county:
Building and Codes
· PERMITS SUBMITTED: 25 New Single-Family Dwelling Issued and 10 Addition-Renovation; 9 Multi-Family Dwelling issued. Anderson VA Clinic Up-Fit, Powdersville Heartland Dental, Belton Skating Rink Up-Fit, Charter Communications Up-fit, Standing Stone Retail Up-Fit, Sign for Liberty Baptist Church; 20 Mobile Homes including: New Homes, Change of Ownership, moves from other counties, change of location, etc.
· DRAWINGS SUBMITTED: IBC Recycling 7,500 sf Expansion off Hampton Rd in Williamston, and various resubmittals
Development Standards
§ Vital Care EMS Billing Office Addition located on Cooper Road in Piedmont.
§ Floodplain Development Permit for a Bridge Replacement at Blake Dairy Road.
§ Rowland Automotive Specialists located on McGee Road Anderson.
§ Rowland Automotive Specialist located on McGee Road, Anderson.
§ St. Luke Catholic Parish Life Center located at Highway 86.
§ Floodplain Development Permit for a pole barn located at 155 Saluda Bend Drive near the Saluda River.
§ Final Elevation Certificate for a residential home located at 155 Saluda Bend Drive near the Saluda River.
§ Happy Days Automotive Sales located on Anderson Street in Piedmont.
§ Lake Hartwell Outdoor Center Bait and Tackle Shop located on Highway 24.
§ Sullivan Hills, Planned Development.
§ Pheasant Ridge- Phase II located off of Highway 24. Resubmittal/ lot layout and cost estimates for securing bond.
§ Avendell Subdivision, Phase II.
§ Centerpointe Retail located in Powdersville
§ Illegal Signage removed from Highway 8 near intersection of Highway 81.
Roads & Bridges
· Ditching crew continued to work on citizen-reported work orders throughout the county.
· Vegetation crews started mowing; round one underway.
· Sign crew, along with Bridge crew, welded some name signs to their posts; someone keeps borrowing the signs.
· Received petition for new Special Tax District for “The Farm” subdivision located on SC 8 north of Hunt Road.
· Stormwater permit for Long Road Bridge project has been approved by SCDHEC.
· Favorable weather allowed the striping contractor to stripe five county roads this week.
Solid Waste
· Shred Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 18 at Anderson School District 1 located at 801 N. Hamilton St. and at the Civic Center of Anderson located at 3207 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Residents can bring their paper for free shredding from 10am until 1pm.
· South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley announced on April 1, 2015 that the month of April would be Zero Tolerance month in South Carolina. Sgt. Sandy Hayes from Environmental Enforcement attended the announcement for Anderson County. Anderson County Environmental Enforcement will be doing its part to participate in the event.
Construction continues to be slow at the Slabtown and Carwell Convenience Centers due to the rainfall that we are having at this time.
· The plan review of NewSpring Powdersville’s stormwater application was completed, and application for an NPDES permit from SCDHEC was made.
· Completed the review of E&I Engineering’s initial application. Revisions to the application package are required before a permit can be issued.
· Received stormwater permit applications for a 15 acre commercial development across Hwy 81 from T.L. Hanna High School and a residential subdivision of less than 5 acres on Oak Hill Drive.
· Completed the quarterly industrial stormwater inspections for applicable county and City of Belton facilities.
· We had 3 sewer inspections, Hembree Station lot #69, Palmetto Valley lot #133 and Watson Engineering 1350 Shiloh Church Road.
· Checked main sewer line at 104 Raven Hill Way in Powdersville. Sewer customer was having draining problems in their service line. The main line was flowing properly.
· Plans are to repair broken uni-flange on discharge pipe near the pump base in the wet well at Hurricane Creek pump station on Thursday this week. A by-pass pump will be set up to control flow while repairs are being made.
· Pump station crew installed generator plugs, worked on alarm at Moores Mill pump station and cleaned debris out of Liberty Hwy and Rock Tenn pump stations this week.
· On call personnel received no after hour calls this week.