Heritage Day Saturday at Artory


Anyone with an interest in finding out more about the history of Williamston or sharing their own information or artifacts about the Williamston area is invited to attend “Williamston Heritage Day” this Saturday, April 25 at the Artory in Williamston. The event will be held from 10 am to 5 pm.

A 1930’s silent film of Williamston will be shown during Heritage Day. Organizer Susan Martin said “We have a lot of questions about the origin of the film and the names of people shown. The film shows shift changes at Gossett Mill; the Mammoth Hotel; the Goat Man; Main Street; students leaving the Goodjion school; and much more. Please invite your family members to come at no charge to see this film and help us name people. Copies of the film will be available for sale for $10 each.

The history of Williamston is being shared through memories and memorabilia that has been passed through generations of local residents. Among them, tales of energizing spring water; a thriving community of hotels, restaurants and theaters; and a school system reaching unbelievable heights are a few of the most recently told stories to local writer, Susan Martin.

The Artory, the former armory in Williamston, provides space for visual, musical, and theatrical arts as well as private events and social gatherings.

Heritage Day participants will be able to rent a table to display memorabilia. The table fee is $10 and can be paid in cash or by check.

Proceeds from the event will go directly to the Artory, also known as the Palmetto Area Cultural Arts Center, located at 123 Gossett Street.

To register for the event, to volunteer, or for more information, call Martin at 864-634-0530 or email her at susanwmartin125@gmail.com.