Council approves $113,800 expenditures in end of year budget amendment


Highlights from Williamston Town Council

During their monthly meeting Monday, Williamston Town Council approved first reading changes to the current budget, a new budget and changed the time of regular council meetings.

Council also held second reading on an amended smoking ordinance and an amended wrecker ordinance, declined to purchase property and answered some questions about intentions of council should the June 9 referendum result in a change in the form of government for the town.

Council unanimously approved an amendment to the current budget allowing for expenditures of nine items totaling $113,800.

Items to be purchased from the town’s hospitality tax fund include: a police ATV, parks and recreation maintenance items, Brookdale Park improvements and painting town hall.

Items to be paid from the town’s General Fund include: shed for Gray Drive park, a new phone system for town hall and a use garbage truck.

According to Mayor Mack Durham, the budget amendment also allows for two items already in effect prior to being voted on, an across the board five percent salary increase for town employees and $1500 for repair work done on the creek bank.

First reading on the 2015-2016 budget was unanimously approved with no discussion.

Proposals and highlights were discussed during a council work session held last week. (See story)

Council unanimously agreed to have the town’s change of government take effect on July 1 if the public says yes to changing the town’s form of government.

Council also unanimously approved a resolution drafted by Councilman Burgess stating intentions of council if the change of government referendum passes.

Planning Commission Chair Marion Middleton Jr. and Tee Coker of Arnett Muldrow Associates spoke briefly about Envision Williamston. Coker said that the Envision Williamston Community Plan has the goal to create a community wide shared vision about the future of Williamston looking out twenty years.

Middleton said there will be a series of meetings over the next months.

More details and comments from the meeting in this week’s Journal.

See Related – Mayor, council anticipate budget, change of government