Williamston Town Council recently approved first reading of the 2015-16 draft budget.
Total General Fund Revenues expected $2,830,373. Total General Fund Expenditures expected $2,830,373. The following are revenues and department expenses as budgeted:
General Fund Revenues
General fund revenues include: Property Taxes $875,000, up from 820,000; Delinquent Property Taxes $25,000, up from $20,000; Motor Vehicle Taxes $100,000, up from $92,000; Hospitality Tax $100,000, up from $92,000; Accommodations Tax $200; Payment in Lieu of Taxes $7,600, up from $7000; Homestead Exemptions $92,000, up from$90,000; Merchants Inventory Tax $7204; Manufacturing Exemption $35,000; SC Local Govt. Fund $75,000, up from $72,000; Business License $50,000; MASC Insurance Premium Fee $230,000, up from $225,000.
Also Charter Franchise Fee $48,000, up from $40,000; DukeEnergy Franchise Fee $230,000, up from $225,000; Fort Hill Franchise Fee $50,000; MASC Telecommunications $20,000; Water & Sewer Operations $344,000, down from $472,958; Police Fines $45,000, up from $35,000; Resource Officer $166,369.
Also Revive Church Rent $0, down from $14,400; Grant Revenue $0, down from $165,000 budgeted last year; Little League Fees $15,000, up from $8,000;Park Fees $7,000, up from $6500; Room Rental $5000; Security from School Dist. $5000; Dumster Metal Sold $4000; Garbage Fee $190,000, up from $175,000; Garbage Penalty $3500, up from $2000; Interest income $1000; Sale of Assets $3,500; Other Misc. Revenue $5,000; Debt Set Off $1000. Total Revenues $2,830,373.
General Fund Expenditures
by Department
Administrative – Liability, Tort and Property Insurance $90,500, Workers Comp $53,000; Membership Dues $5000, up from $3,0000; Audit Fees $25,800; Consultant Fees $30,000; town Attorney $20,400; Other Legal (Labor Attorney) $10,000; Bank Charges $3000; Professional Fees $20,000; Total Adminstrative $257,700, down from $438,606 primarily due to lack of CFund Paving expense budgeted at $165,000 last year.
Admin Salaries $242,919, up from $231,475; Admin OT $200; Bonus $1550; FICA/Medical $18,717; Retirement $26,302; Health Ins. $73,303.
Also R&M Contracts $15,000, down from $20,000; R&M Vehicles $1,500; R&M Municipal Building & Grounds $15,000; Expense and Supplies $25,000, down from $30,000; Uniforms $1,500; Morale $6000, down from $8,000; Training $5,000, down from $10,000; Community Support $8,000.
Also Electricity/Gas $25,000, up from $22,000; Telephone $22,000, up from $19,000; Postage $15,000, down from $35,000; Transportation/mileage $3,000, down from $10,000;Water $3,500; Capital Expenditures $10,000, down from $33,500. Total Administrative $523,991, down from $576,406.
Main Street Program – Salaries $35,500; Bonus $50; Fica/Medicare $2681; Retirement $4,056; Health Insurance $5453: Supplies $20,000. Total $67,240.
Street Department – Salaries $143,437, down from $195,582; Overtime $2000; Bonus $1750; Fica/Medical $11,260, down from $15,197; Retirement $15,419; Health Insurance $33,562, down from $37,800; Repairs and Maintenance $15,000, up from $12,000; R&M Vehicles $20,000, up from $16,000; Supplies $10,000; Uniforms $4500; Electricity/Gas $71,000, up from $64,364; Phone $1700, down from $2436; Water $500; Fuel $25,000, down from $28,000. total $355,128, down from $406,237.
Judge/Clerk of Court – $13,402
Police Department – Salaries $578,145, up from $515,515; OT $5000; Bonus $929; Fica/Medicare $44,682; Retirement $75,988; Health Insurance $115,809; Repairs and Maintenance $5000; R&M Vehicles $12,000; R&M Facilities $2,000, Supplies $13,571; Uniforms $6,000; LawTrax $5000; electricity/Gas $7000, down from $10,000; Phone $6000; Water $2,500; fuel $45,000, down frmo $53,900; Capital Outlay $35,000. Total $961,124, up from $897,029.
SRO/Resource Officers – SRO Officers Salary $91,350; OT $2000; Bonus $200; Fica/Medicare $7157; Retirement $12,171; Health Insurance $18,676; SRO Exopense Palmetto Middle $13,841; SRO Expense Palmtto High $13,302; SRO Expense Careet and Technology Center $7,672. Total $166,369.
Parks and Recreation – Salaries $71,260, up from $41,380; Bonus $375; FICA/Medicare $5480, up from $3208; Retirement $7701, up from $4507; Health Insurance $7739, up from $5622; Repairs and Maintenance $9000, down from $14000; Supplies $7900, down from $9996; Uniforms $1040; Electricity/Gas $25,000, down from $30,000; Phone $1200; Water $6000, down from $9800; Fuel $5000; Christmas Park $0; Little League $15,000,up from $8000; Cemetery Care $3500. Total Parks and Recreation Budget $166,195.
Fire Department – Mileage reimbursement $32,054, up from $29,680; Unemployment $1000; Repairs and Maintenance $5000; R&M Vehicles $8600; Supplies $12,500, up from $10,500; Uniforms $12,500, up from $2500; electricity/Gas $5000; Phone $1320; Water $900; Propane/Generator $1000; Physicals $6000; emergency Reporting $1200; Fuel $3500; Training facility $650, Capital Expenditures $26,000, down from $27,000; Rescue Equipment $2000; Fire Academy Training $500; Morale/Welfare $4500. Total $190,000.
Hospitality Tax – $190,000, up from $160,000. Includes: Park Upkeep $10,000; Christmas Parade $1400; Cemetery Candle-light $500; Boo in the Park $1000;Spring Water Festival $10,000; 4th of July $9,000; GWBA Easter Egg Hunt $500; Pig in the Park $5,000; Security and Clean up for Events $15,000; Cemetery Committee $2,500; Veterans Day $1000; Memorial Day $1000; Homestead Festival $3000; Community Center $10,000; ARC grant match $65,000; Capital Improvements $55,100. Total General Fund Expenditures $2,830,373.
Second reading on the budget will be held at the June 1 meeting of Council.