The Anderson School District One Board approved a large number of teachers and administrator recommendations for the 2017-18 school year during their meeting Tuesday.
Several district employees will be in new administrative principal positions. Palmetto High Assistant Princiapl/Freshman Academy Director Jason McCauley has been named Principal at Palmetto Middle School.
Wren Assistant Principal/Director of Freshman Academy Seth Young has been named Principal at Wren Middle.
No replacement has been named for either the Palmetto or Wren Assistant Principal/Freshman Director position.
The Palmetto High Assistant Principal position also remains vacant.
The news that two longtime District One Administrators, Palmetto High Assistant Prinicipal Mike Kelly and Palmetto Middle Principal Barry Knight, would not be coming back created an uproar on social media recently. Both administrators were retired and working under the SC Teacher & Employee Retention Incentive (TERI) Program
The TERI Program allows employees who retire from the SC Retirement System, but want to continue employment with the agency and retain the same positions. Participation in the TERI Program is generally for a period not to exceed five years, but it is not guaranteed employment for the specified program period.
According to the TERI program website, effective July 1, 2012 the program is not available to new hires. Also new enrollees after June 30, 2012 must end their participation within five (5) years or by June 30, 2018, whichever is earlier.
Participation in the TERI Program is a voluntary agreement between the employee and the employer.
Personnel recommendations approved by the Board include:
Deidre Ables, Media Specialist, West Pelzer Elementary; Hollyn Candler, TBD; Hope Deese, Family and Consumer Science, Powdersville High; Emailie Degen, TBD; Amber Govero, ELA, Wren Middle; Laura Grier, Grade Five, Powdersville Elementary; Jordonna Harpster, Grade 6 ELA, Wren Middle; Jennifer Holcombe, Resource, Palmetto High; Terri Ivester, Cedar Grove Elementary; Darren Landreth, Sixth Grade Science, Palmetto Middle.
Also Erin Mayes, Social Studies, Palmetto High; Mary Elizabeth Mills, Grade 7 Math, Wren Middle; Brittany Patterson, Grade 7 ELA, Wren Middle; Brenda Perry, Cedar Grove Elementary; Samantha Proctor, Concrete Primary; Gretchen Skelton, Cedar Grove Elementary; Braden Sullivan, Grade Eight Social Studies, Palmetto Middle; Stephanie Walker, Chorus, Palmetto Middle; Haley White, Third Grade, West Pelzer Elementary.
Transfers – Wesley Carwile, Grade Five at Palmetto Elementary to Grade Six Math at Palmetto Middle; Briggette Schultz, Grade Four at Palmetto Elementary to Academic Assistance at West Pelzer Elementary; Jackie Vaughn, Teacher Assistant at Palmetto Middle to 1.0 Teacher at Palmetto Middle; Andi Williams, Grade Six Math at Wren Middle to Grade Four at Palmetto Elementary.
Resignations – April Ficklin, Wren High; Rachel Horton, English, Palmetto High; Ashley Jackson, Hunt Meadows Elementary; Alston Pettigrew, Band, Palmetto High; Christina Ridgeway, Grade One, West Pelzer Elementary; Michael Whaley, Science, Palmetto High.
Retirements – Debbie Clardy, Grade Five, Wren Elementary; Gail Patton, Self Contained Teacher, Palmetto Elementary.
Administrative Recommendations – Sherry Padgett, Concrete Primary, Principal; Brandon Koon, Concrete Primary, Assistant Principal; Amy Cothran, Palmetto Elementary, Principal; John Economou, Palmetto Elementary, Assistant Principal; Kristie Finley, Cedar Grove Elementary, Principal; Matthew White, Cedar Grove Elementary, Assistant Principal; Brad Moore, Powdersville Elementary, Principal.
Also Melissa Tollison, Powdersville Elementary, Assistant Principal; Dr. Stacy Hashe, West Pelzer Elementary, Principal; Cathy Heath, West Pelzer Elementary, Assistant Principal; Tommy Bolger, Wren Elementary, Principal; Amy Bagwell, Wren Elementary, Assistant Principal; Jason Lesley, Spearman Elementary, Principal; Jane Ayers, Spearman Elementary, Assistant Principal; Carrie Pennington, Hunt Meadows, Principal; Vacant, Hunt Meadows, Assistant Principal;
Also Robby Roach, Palmetto High, Principal; Vacant, Palmetto High, Assistant Principal/Director of Freshman Acad.; Vacant, Palmetto High, Assistant Principal: Jason McCauley, Palmetto Middle, Principal; Jennifer Couch, Palmetto Middle, Assistant Principal; Bobby McGowans, Palmetto Middle, Assistant Principal.
Also Dr. Chris Ferguson, Powdersville High, Principal; Lauree Cole, Powdersville High, Assistant Principal; Phillip Bramblett, Powdersville High, Assistant Principal; Todd Binnicker, Powdersville Middle, Principal; Mark McCall, Powdersville Middle Assistnat Principal; Nicole Boseman, Wren High, Principal;
Vacant, Wren High, Assistant Principal/Director of Freshman Academy; Chris Chapman, Wren High, Assistant Principal; Seth Young, Wren Middle, Principal; Charles Edmondson, Wren Middle, Assistant Principal; Angie Phillips, Wren Middle, Assistant Principal; Janice Walpole, Adult Education, Director; Benny Bridges, District Bus Supervisor; Kelly Quirk, School Psychologist; Laura Hammond, School Psychologist; Felicia Cunningham, School Psychologist; Michelle Rop, School Psychologist; Elizabeth Wittebort, Family Literacy Coordinator/Mental Health Counselor.