By Debbie Chapman
Town of Williamston Codes Enforcement
The following report was made during the Williamston Town Council meeting Monday:
March was a very busy month.
Communication regarding the new Residential Rental Property Ordinance was mailed to over 350 potential Landlords and was posted on Social Media in order to educate folks that the ordinance is in effect.
Three properties were posted with bright orange violation notices after failing to answer a Certified letter. Only one of these has responded.
Twenty Properties are on my recheck list as I have reached out for Ordinance issues.
Eight properties have been checked and I will be sending Certified letters this week .
Three tickets were issued this month. One complied, one was given additional time, and one will be revisited.
There were 8 street lights reported to Duke. 6 were repaired and 4 are still not working. Duke advised that they are waiting for parts.
In double checking the rental housing mailing list, it was discovered that several properties are not labeled correctly on the GIS system and the address doesn’t’ correspond with the correct street. This has been reported to Anderson County.
In working with Ordinance Compliance issues, I encounter a lot of folks who think that covering items that they are asked to clean up with a blue tarp, moving to a neighbor’s yard, placing behind a fence, or behind a house is cleaning up. That is not what is meant by cleaning up. Our Ordinances are very specific about cleaning of properties, removing trash, litter, metals, etc. It is very important for everyone to know and understand this so as not to receive a fine. It is also important to know that as a report comes in for a street all properties on the street are looked at to be fair.
A Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held on April 10th at 6:30. If you volunteered within the past year at any Town of Williamston or Envision Williamston event and have not been contacted, please let Debbie Chapman know. ( or 864 847 7473) We tried to reach out by email to all of those we are aware of. Letters were sent to those we didn’t have an email address for. Please check your email spam folder. We need a head count by Friday, April 6 at 12:00 noon.