Williamston Budget Highlights as approved on first reading – May 7, 2018


Williamston Town Council approved first reading on the 2018-19 budget during their regular monthly meeting May 7. Some minor changes were approved on second reading.

Highlights at that time of first reading included:

Revenues are up, primarily from a tax increase, described by the mayor during a worksession as “small” and an increase in the garbage fee last year.
Overall revenues are expected to increase from $3,125,840 to $3,217,990.
Highlights of the budget include:
Property taxes are budgeted at $983,500; Delinquent property taxes $35,000; Motor Vehicle Taxes $100,000; Hospitality Tax revenues show an increase of $15,000, from $215,000 to $230,000. Payments in Lieu of Taxes are expected to increase from $6900 to $8500.
Homestead Exemptions $88,000; Merchants Inventory $7,204; Manufacturing Exemption decreases from $35,000 to $30,000. SC Local Government Fund increased from $75,000 to $80,000. Business license revenues remain the same at $55,000.
MASC Insurance Premium fees $250,000; Charter Franchise fee $50,000; Duke Energy Franchise fee $260,000; Fort Hill Franchise fee of$60,000; MASC Telecommunications $20,000; Water and Sewer Operations $344,000; Water Tower lease $6,000; Police Fines $25,000; Resource Officers $189,936; Medshore Rental income $12,000, Recreation fees expected to increase slightly from $65,000 to $70,000; Park fees same at $7,000; Room Rental $6300; School Security from District One $7,000; Lee Steam security $9,000.
The Garbage Fee revenue increases from $190,000 to $252,000. Garbage penalty $3500.
Also Interest Income $1000; Sale of assets $2000; Sign Permit Fees $300; Special Event $5,000; Other Misc. Revenues $5000; Debt Set off $750; Money from County $15,000.
Total revenues are budgeted at $3,217,990.
General Fund Expenditures
General Fund Expenditures include: Liability/Property Insurance $85,000; Workers Comp. $55,000; Membership Dues $3000; Audit Fees $25,800; Consultant Fees Admin overview $30,000; Town Attorney $20,400; Other legal fees (Labor Attny) $4000; Bank Charges $4500; Contingency Restricted Reserve $27,459; Professional fees $9000; Total Administrative $267,759.
Total Other Administrative Expenses from $263,676 to $267,759.
Administrative Expense
Administrative Expenses decrease from $553,164 to $542,960, primarily due to a decrease in admin salaries.
Admin expenses include: Admin Salaries $267,830 to $251,190; Admin Salaries Overtime $500; Bonus $1900; Admin FICA/ Medicare $20,673 to $19,399; Admin Retirement $30,833 to $40,438; Admin Health Insurance $80,428; Admin R&M $25,000; Admin R&M vehicle $1500;R&M Municipal Building and Grounds $15,000; Admin Expenses and Supplies $30,000; Admin Uniforms $2000; Employee Morale $6000; Admin Training $5000; Community Support $2000, to $3000; Admin Electricity/Gas $29,900; Phone $10,500; Postage $15,000; Transportation/Mileage $2000; Water $5500; Fuel $2500; Professions Fees $1000. Total Administrative $542,960.
Main Street Program
Main Street Salaries $42,000, Bonus $500; FICA/Medicare $3251; Retirement $5124, Health Insurance $6127. total $58,002.
Main Street Supplies is budgeted from the Hospitality Tax fund.
Street Department
Street Department expenses increase slightly from $404,887 to $421,820. Included are: Salaries $173,451 increase to $179,171; Overtime $2400; Bonus $1500; Fica/Medicare $14,005; Retirement $21,376 to $26,381; Health Insurance decreases from $43,200 to $36,763; Repairs and Maintenance $20,000; Supplies $7500; Uniforms $5000; Electricity/Gas $73,000 to $85,000; Phone $1600; Water $500; Fuel increases from $20,000 to $22,000. Total Street Department Expense $421,820.
Municipal Court
Municipal Court Judge/Clerk of Courts expenses total $13,293, including salary of $8293 and expense of $5000.
Police Department
Police Salaries increase from $613,173 to $650,613. Overtime $15,000; Bonus $1825; FICA/Medicare $51,059; Retirement $108,754; Health Insurance $127,215; R&M $6000; Vehicles R&M $16,000; Facilities R&M $3000; Supplies $14,000; Training $5000;Uniforms $9000; LAWTRAX $5000; Electricity/Gas $7000; Phone $7000; Water $2500; Fuel $50,000. No police capital outlay in this years budget. Total Police Department Expense $1,078,966.
SRO budget increases from $189,936 to $234,803 with additional officers. There will be an SRO officer at Palmetto Middle, Palmetto High, Palmetto Elementary and Career & Technology Center. (School District One will reimburse the town for SRO expense)
Parks and Recreation
Parks & Recreation salaries decrease from $104,923 to $92,622. Other expenses include: Overtime $200; Bonus $625; FICA/Medicare $7149; Retirement $16,290; Health Insurance $26,926; Recreation $656,000; and Cemetery Care $4000.
A number of items usually budgeted including R&M, Supplies, Electricity/Gas; Phone, Water, Fuel and Christmas Park were taken out. The changes result in a decrease in the department budget from $266,206 to $212,812.
Fire Department
Fire Department Expense includes: Mileage Reimbursement $32,054; Unemployment $1000; R&M $10,000; Vehicle R&M $12,500; Supplies $12,500; Uniforms $17,400; Honorary Fireman $1,050; Electricity/Gas $5000;, Phone $1320; Water $900; Propane-Generator $1000; Physicals $4000; Emergency Reporting $1960; Fuel $3500; AC Training Facility Dues $650; Capital Expenditures decrease from $31,240 to $7500; Rescue Equipment $2000; SC Fire Academy Training $2500; Moral/Welfare $5000; State Grant Expenditures $4500. Total Fire Department Expense increases slightly overall from $149,114 to $157,574.
Hospitality Tax
Hospitality Tax is budgeted at $230,000 Total Expenditures atre budgeted at $3,125,840 (Breakdown of the Hospitality Tax fund will be included in future budget story)
Water and Sewer Department Expenses will also be covered in a future budget story.
Second reading on the town’s budget is expected to be held at the June meeting of Council.