Anderson County Public Works Department reported the following projects underway:
Building and Codes
PERMITS SUBMITTED: 11 Single-Family Dwellings; 4 Addition/Renovation; 1 Detached Garage/Accessory Building; 2 Demolition; 1 Swimming Pool; 2 Replacement 14 Electrical and HVAC Upgrades including 1 Residential Solar; 3 Commercial Including: Anderson Two-Story Climate Controlled Storage, Twin Creek Lavender LLC, Heaters for Industrial Bonded Warehouse; 12 Mobile Home including: New Homes, Change of Ownership, moves from other counties, change of location, etc.
Development Standards
2019 Annual Billboard Renewals Completed 262 Permits Issued
o TTI Landscaping Revitalization Project Ryobi Drive & Innovative Way
o Whitefield Convenience Center Expansion located at US Highway 29
o M.J. Dolly Cooper Veteran Parkway Expansion
o Pendleton High School Expansion
o New Verizon Communications Tower located at 4525 Highway 81N, Anderson.
o New Dentist Office located on Highway 153
o GT Legacy Office/Warehouse Final Review located at 121 Pine Road, Piedmont
o Wendy’s Highway 153
o Floodplain Development Permit located at 523 Serena Circle, Anderson.
o JS Auto Repair located E. Shockley Road, Anderson.
o Machine Group located on First Creek Road, Anderson.
o Peterbilt Transfer Truck Stop Powdersville
o Duke Energy W.S. Lee Steam New Tower located on Lee Steam Plant Road
o Powdersville Starbucks
o Twin Lakes Lavender Farm located on Midway Road
o DJB Auto Sales Office located on Hurricane Road
o Cuttin Up Barbershop located at 206 Manley Drive, Anderson
o Magnolia Farms; Pennington Farms, The Grove & Oak Trail; Ridgewater Subdivision (Revision of 13 lots-combine)
o Illegal signage located on Anderson Road.
o Illegal signage on Concord & East West Parkway
o Illegal junkyard New Thorn Court
o Illegal camper Highway 8
Fleet Services
To see a listing of vehicles and equipment being sold visit the Anderson County Website at click ‘Online Auction’ to view inventory and register.
Roads & Bridges
Vegetation Crew had 11 request for trees, and 11 task completed tree removals. 5 sections of county roads boomed out of the 7 sections. 10 clean ups, storm debris removals completed. 5 tree trimming tasks completed.
Bridge Crew continued work on Shiloh Church Road West Bridge Replacement Project.
Asphalt Crew completed driveway apron and pothole requests.
Ditching and Pipe Crews performed 1200 ft. of ditching, 15 driveway installations, 1 catch basin repair. Completed ditching project on Brown Road below round about and Jim Rice drainage project. Also 3 request for Town of Williamston.
Grading Crews completed crossline work on Compton Rd, now ready for paving.
Sign Shop Crews performed routine maintenance on road signs; flagged for ditching crew on Brown Rd. project, custom sign for PAWS dept.
Approved Traffic Impact Study for the Grove at Oak Trail Subdivision on Powdersville Main S-4-52.
The on-call crew received 3 after-hours call-outs for a total of 6 man-hours: 2 trees, 1 stop sign. Also assisted at the Abbeville Hwy tire fire for a total of 14 hours.
Solid Waste
The Great Anderson County Cleanup will be on April 13, 2019. The Kickoff for the event will be on April 8, 2019 at the Anderson Sports and Entertainment Center at 6:00pm.
Solid Waste Director has been working with DHEC this week at the VIVA Tire Recycling Facility due to a fire on the site on January 19, 2019. Seventeen Fire Stations responded to the fire. Hazmat monitored for toxins during the fire and none were found. DHEC is working with Anderson County on funding engineers to access the property for cleanup.
Staff delivered litter cleanup supplies for 100 volunteers to the Civic Center.
Delivered calendars to St. Joseph’s Catholic School and Wren Middle School winners.
Requested Adopt-a-Spot sign for Singer Road. It will be adopted by the Solid Waste Department.
Picked up 12 bags of litter and 1 illegally dumped tire on Level Land Rd.
Picked litter up around the roads connected to the Agnew Road, Parker Bowie, White Street and Friendship Convenience Centers this week. There were 10 bags of litter picked up and disposed up.
Staff has been working on reregistering our convenience centers with DHEC due to accepting car and truck batteries at our sites.
Bids for new baler for the Anderson Regional MRF are due in on January 24, 2019.
Repaired gate at the Anderson Regional MRF.
Repaired 2 hydraulic leaks on 2 compactors at the Slabtown Convenience Center.
We have 2 inmate for the convenience centers and 2 for the MRF this week due to a shortage of inmates on work detail at the Detention Center.
Did You Know? More aluminum in the United States is being made from used cars and cans because of tariffs.
Review (3rd) was conducted for Taylor Wood Mulch.
Major modification was approved for Lewis Drive Spill Clean Up.
Received major modification for Ortec Pendleton Phase I.
Magnolia Farm’s permit was terminated.
Received and reviewed quarterly industrial user monitoring report. There was a daily maximum pH violation. A Notice of Violation was issued. The environmental representative met with the Pretreatment Coordinator to discuss the possible cause of the exceedance and actions to be taken to prevent further occurrences. A written explanation from the industry will follow for the file.
Prepared the Semi-Annual Pretreatment Report to SCDHEC for activities taking place from July 1, 2018 thru December 31, 2018. This report summarizes the number of industrial users, types of industry, monitoring by each industry, monitoring by the pretreatment program, inspections by the pretreatment program, etc.
Met with developer concerning sewer availability on River Road and Hwy 86 for possible residential development
Assisted Lollis Metals with process of connecting to public sewer. Made contact with the City of Anderson Wastewater Dept. and Homeland Park Water and Sewer to find out what they each need for Lollis Metals to move forward with acquiring sewer service. Homeland Park will provide collection system, conveyance, of the water discharged to a City of Anderson Collection System as well as the City of Anderson Wastewater Treatment Plant; therefore both entities are involved in the process.
Met with a representative from Duke Energy @ Arthrex to discuss location of our utilities to hopefully keep from having conflict with their utility instillation.
The pump station crew completed an annual pump station inspection at Drakes Field and Winding Stream this week.
Pulled pump #1 at Hwy 76 due to long run times; removed debris from in the impeller and put back in service.
Pulled influent screening device at pump station for repairs. The screening device removes solids from the wastewater before entering the treatment plant. A bar screen was installed until repairs can be made.
Installed a Mission Alarm System in a manhole at Steel Creek to monitor the level while we are pumping. The alarm system will be powered off of a solar panel and a battery because no power is available at the manhole. The alarm system will notify us if the level gets high in the manhole.
ROW crew cut the sewer line in Sandy Springs this week.
Began inspecting the sewer system in the Hunters Glen subdivision; we found that tree roots have accumulated in the line. This is part of a preventative inspection project and a training session on our new camera equipment.
We had 8 after hour calls for a total of 14 hours.
Animal Shelter
PAWS was able to save 93% of the animals in our care this week.
INTAKES: 96 ( 20 owner surrenders, 3 return adoption, 43 from Animal Control, 18 strays and 12 transfer in)
OUTCOMES: 90 animals adopted, 0 died, 7 were euthanized for aggression or medical emergencies, 5 owner requested euthanasia, 13 returned to their owners, 13 transferred out to rescue groups
Clinic performed 136 spay/neuter surgeries
Currently 138 large dogs, 11 small dogs, 14 puppies, 28 cats and 10 kittens being held in the facility.
There are 93 animals available for adoption, 50 are spayed/neutered; 53%
9 animals being held for court
PAWS received $777.74 in monetary donations.
PAWS hosted their first offsite with Willows Antiques. It is exciting to be invited into our community to help save lives.