On Thursday, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) reported 987 new confirmed cases and nine new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Four additional confirmed deaths were reported. Anderson County saw a small increase with 14 new cases. Greenville County continues to be a “hot spot” for COVID-19 reporting 169 new cases.
This brings the total number of confirmed cases since the first case reported March 6 to 21,533, probable cases to 15, confirmed deaths to 621.
Three of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Florence (1), Kershaw (1), and Lancaster (1) counties, and one (1) death occurred in an middle-aged individual from Lancaster County. There are currently no probable deaths.
The number of new confirmed cases by county as of Thursday are:
Aiken (10), Anderson (14), Bamberg (3), Beaufort (48), Berkeley (24), Calhoun (1), Charleston (139), Chester (1), Chesterfield (4), Cherokee (1), Colleton (3), Clarendon (2), Darlington (4), Dillon (10), Dorchester (20), Fairfield (5), Florence (16), Georgetown (42), Greenville (169), Greenwood (1), Horry (128), Jasper (9), Kershaw (16), Lancaster (7), Laurens (10), Lee (7), Lexington (45), Marion (5), Marlboro (4), Newberry (6), Oconee (5), Orangeburg (13), Pickens (19), Richland (79), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (42), Sumter (34), Union (2), Williamsburg (7), York (29)
The number of new probable cases are listed below. Greenville (2), Kershaw (2), Laurens (1), Lexington (1), Pickens (1), Richland (2)
As of Wednesday, a total of 313,210 tests have been conducted in the state.
DHEC continues to work with community partners to increase testing in communities across the state. Find a mobile testing clinic event near you at scdhec.gov/covid19mobileclinics.
You can also get tested at one of 171 permanent COVID-19 testing facilities across the state. Visit scdhec.gov/covid19testing for more information.
Percent Positive Test Trends
The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 6,854 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 14.4%. When the percent positive is low, it may indicate that more widespread testing is being performed and the percent positive may more accurately reflect how much disease is present in the community.
Hospital Bed Occupancy
As of this morning, 3,583 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,021 are in use, which is a 70.59% statewide hospital bed utilization rate. Of the 7,021 inpatient beds currently used, 626 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
For the latest information related to COVID-19 visit scdhec.gov/COVID-19.
*As new information is provided to the department, some changes in cases may occur. Cases are reported based on the person’s county of residence, as it is provided to the department. DHEC’s COVID-19 map will adjust to reflect any reclassified cases.