Anderson School District One honors retirees


Anderson School District One’s 42nd Annual Retirement Lunch was held on June 8, in the cafeteria at Palmetto Middle School. Retirees were honored and recognized for their years of dedicated service in Anderson One.

Robbie Binnicker, Superintendent, presented each person a plaque listing their total number of years. 20 retirees have devoted over 390 years of service to the students of Anderson School District One.  Mr. Binnicker said, “It is a privilege and honor to recognize our long-serving employees that have provided academic and support services in Anderson One. We wish them the very best in their retirement.”

Pictured are: Front Row l to r: Kelly Pew (District Office), Jane Harrison (District Office), Lynn Haning (District Office), Elaine Sanders (Palmetto Elementary), Debbie Fowler (Powdersville Elementary)Front Row l to r: Kelly Pew (District Office), Jane Harrison (District Office), Lynn Haning (District Office), Elaine Sanders (Palmetto Elementary), Debbie Fowler (Powdersville Elementary)Back Row l to r: Kay Johnson (Concrete Primary), Carol Phillips (West Pelzer Elementary), Deena Allison (Spearman Elementary), Suzanne Dunn (Wren Elementary),  Rhonda Rampey (Wren High), Linda Thomason (Palmetto Elementary), Lisa Dalrymple (Palmetto High), Joyce Leftwich (Powdersville Elementary), Janice Walpole (Adult Education)

Retirements include:

Deena Allison, Spearman Elementary
Lisa Dalrymple, Palmetto High
Suzanne Dunn, Wren Elementary
Deborah Fowler, Powdersville Elementary
Kathy George, Powdersville Middle
Kelley Golden, Powdersville Middle
Lynn Haning, Administrative Office
Jane Harrison, Administrative Office
Kay Johnson, Concrete Primary
Joyce Leftwich, Powdersville Elementary
lKelley McCullough, Palmetto High
Donna McKamy, Palmetto Middle
lDr. Kelly Pew, Administrative
Carol R. Phillips, West Pelzer Elementary
Rhonda Rampey, Wren High
Elaine Sanders, Palmetto Elementary
Darryl Snipes, Palmetto Middle
Linda Thomason, Palmetto Elementary
Debra G. Tripp, Wren High
Janice Walpole, Administrative Office