Legislative Delegation approves funding for West Pelzer riverfront presence


The Anderson County Legislative Delegation recently awarded the Town of West Pelzer $23,500 to be used in establishing a riverfront presence along the Saluda.

West Pelzer Mayor Blake Sanders, in a telephone interview with the Journal, described the proposed scope of the Riverfront West project. “We have a long term lease for a property along the Saluda. We plan to create a mile and half of natural surface walking trails, as well as a pier. We plan to install picnic tables and shelters to attract river travelers, and provide them a congenial place to rest and picnic. We will also have birding sites since we have such a variety of songbirds and other avian species.”

Sanders pointed out that West Pelzer’s approach is somewhat different. “We won’t be as focused on being an entry point to the Saluda as much as we will on being a waystation, so to speak. People who are already on the river might want to take a break, have a bite to eat, and just stretch their legs. West Pelzer will welcome those folks.”

Sanders also stressed the importance of the various partnerships that will be instrumental in achieving the goals of the project.” We will have students from the Clemson school of architecture design and install various structure. We will partner with the Boy Scouts of America in cutting and establishing our trail system, and we anticipate using District One Career and Technology Center students to build picnic tables for us. It will be a very cooperative project and we look forward to working with all our partners.”

Now that the funding has been confirmed, Sanders said the project should begin in late summer or early fall of this year. The funds come from boat taxes and fuel sales at the state’s various marinas.

West Pelzer Riverfront Conceptual Design