About 25 members of the Palmetto Business Association met last Friday to discuss the future of the organization. The PBA organization has been in-active since early 2020 when the COVID pandemic and shutdowns began.
According to information presented at the meeting, the Board and all officers resigned due to concerns with COVID, leaving the organization in limbo for over a year. Williamston mayor and business owner Rockey Burgess led the discussion.
Discussions included the mission of the organization and creating value for members.
Several ideas were mentioned including how to highlight businesses.
The organization had 51 member businesses on its rolls at the start of 2020 and it was decided to allow those who wanted to remain members to do so through 2021 without paying dues for this year.
Administrative issues such as the status of the organization and banking information were also discussed.
The organization has approximately *($40,000) in a bank account and CD reserves.
(Correction – the organization has approximately $30,000)
When asked how many of those in attendance wanted to see the organization continue, all raised their hands.
When asked if anyone wanted to assume the role of president, there were no takers.
At that point, the issue of appointing officers and checking the status of the organization was tabled to the next meeting.
A second re-organizational meeting is scheduled for Aug. 23 at 12 noon at the Anderson School District One and Two Career and Technology Center Conference Building. All area business owners or representatives are invited to attend to have input on the future of the Palmetto Business Association.