The Town of Pelzer will hold a General Election for the office of mayor and two seats on council on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.
Citizens desiring to be candidates for one of the offices may file at the Pelzer Town Hall, 103 Courtney St., Pelzer beginning this Thursday. Books will open for filing at noon on August 5,2021 and remain open during regular business hours until noon on August 19, 2021.
The filing fee for Council is $25 and the filing fee for Mayor is $50. This is a nonpartisan election and no party affiliation will be placed on the ballot.
The Statement of Intention of Candidacy form required for filing is available in the “Candidate Information” section of and at the Town Hall. Filing fees are paid at the time of filing by candidates seeking to run. Filing fee checks should be made payable to the Town of Pelzer.
Candidates are also required to file a Statement of Economic Interests and a Campaign Disclosure online with the State Ethics Commission at Failure to file these documents may result in a candidate fine but will not disqualify a candidate from the election. Contact the State Ethics Commission for more information.
The precinct and polling location for the Nov. 2 election will be at Life Journey Church, 2 Wesleyan Dr. Pelzer. The polls will open at 7 a.m. on Election Day and close at 7 p.m.
People desiring to vote in the election must be registered by October 3, 2021. To register, contact the County Board of Voter Registration.
When voting, you will be asked to show one of the following Photo ID’s at your polling place: S.C. Driver’s License; ID card issued by S.C. Dept. of Motor Vehicles; S.C. Voter Registration card with photo; Federal Military ID or U.S. Passport.
On Thursday, November 4, 2021, at 10:30 AM at the Anderson County Board of Elections at 301 N. Main Street, Anderson, SC 29621, the Municipal Election Commission will hold a hearing to determine the validity of ballots challenged in this election.
In the event of a tie, any run-off will be held two weeks after the election on Tuesday, November 19, 2021.