West Pelzer names police chief, considering several four-way stops


During their meeting Tuesday, West Pelzer Town Council approved resolutions to request road funding money, to allow an update of the town’s comprehensive plan and to hold a public hearing regarding new four way stops on three street locations.
West Pelzer Town Clerk Paula Payton reported that closing on the 2021 GO Bond was held June 23.
The town received $23,500 from the Anderson County Legislative Delegation for the Riverfront West water recreation area. The funds will be used for improvements on leased property on the Saluda River that will give West Pelzer river access.
Filing dates for two council seats will open at 8 a.m. August 5 and close August 19 at noon. Books will be open during the filing period for candidates in the election to be held on November 2.
The Public Works Department completed 16 work orders in the month of July.
Mayor Blake Sanders recognized artist Grace Gilbert who painted the new mural on the town hall building wall facing Chapman Park. Gilbert is a resident of Piedmont and a 2020 graduate of Anderson University with a concentration in Painting and Drawing. Her artwork has been published and spotlighted in Anderson University’s Literature and Arts journal multiple times and has been shwn in numerous group shows across both the Carolinas, including the West Pelzer Grand Gallery. She developed her own unique painting style that is constantly evolving in form, style, color and subject but said her fulfillment comes from creating beautiful portrayals of landscapes and figures.
Sanders said, “West Pelzer may be one of the only towns in the state to have an 80 x15 ft. mural painted on the city hall wall.” The mural was funded in the amount of $4000 by the Palmetto Arts Cultural Arts Center.

Council approved a resolution requesting paving of Morgan Street during the 2021-2022 funding cycle of the Anderson County Transportation Committee. Mayor Sanders said the street is the last street in the town limits in need of paving.

Council approved a resolution authorizing the Planning Commission to begin work on an update of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan. The comprehensive plan is a long range policy guide for development of the town and is required to be updated every five years. The town Planning Commission will meet August 10 to discuss how to proceed.

West Pelzer is considering four way stops at three street intersections in the town. The town is looking at four way stops at the intersections of Holiday/Marguerite; Hindman/Park and Dendy/Welborn. Mayor Sanders said more people are using the streets as “cut through” streets and the move will improve safety. Council approved a resolution to hold a public hearing on the matter. The date and time will be announced and advertised prior to the hearing.

Mayor Sanders announced that Lt. Scott Stoller has been selected to serve as the town’s Police Chief. He said a committee of active and retired public safety officers, members of Council Committees, and members of the public assisted in scoring and interviews of potential candidates. Stoller emerged as one of the top candidates for the position after multiple interviews. (See separate story)


Chief Stoller has served as a public servant his entire career, receiving certifications and awards from the South
Carolina Police Chiefs Association, South Carolina Association of Counties, and the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. He has served in Greenville County and Anderson County in various roles from Paramedic/Program
Coordinator and Special Operations Director to Lieutenant at the West Pelzer Police Department.

Joining the West Pelzer Police Department in 2016, Chief Stoller has focused on patrol, prevention, and investigations of criminal activity, providing leadership as a Specific Skills Instructor, NARCAN instructor, and grant administrator.

During comments, Mayor Sanders thanked the Planning Commission and Councilman Jim Riddle for efforts to improve transportation and traffic safety in the town. He also announced that the Grand Gallery will return to Town Hall in September.
Sanders said small municipalities have asked Governor McMaster to request American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for special projects. The American Rescue Plan will deliver $350 billion to eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and bring back jobs. He also announced that the Anderson Cancer Association Hot Air Affair being held in Williamston over the Labor Day weekend will have some launch/landing activities in the West Pelzer area.
Pelzer First Baptist Church will have free pizza, Bible lessons and fellowship for ages K5-12 in Chapman Park this Friday, Aug. 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.