West Pelzer Police Report


The West Pelzer Police Department investigated the following incidents recently:
July 7 – Ofc. Ryan Marro initiated a traffic stop on a car with an expired tag. The driver, Brian Fields, WM, 37, 5’10” 160 pounds, had a suspended license, which Marro confiscated. He wrote Fields a ticket and released him to a relative with a valid driver’s license.
July 22 – Acting Chief Scott Stoller responded to a report of a shoplifting in progress at the Dollar General store. He arrived as the subject was leaving the lot (confirmed by a store employee) and pursued the Budget Rental vehicle, a panel van. The driver fled, running several stop lights before finally getting slowed by traffic. The driver, Tammie Neves, WF,45, 5’2”, 130 pounds, She was arrested and transported to the ACDC.
July 22 – Acting Chief Scott Stoller responded to 199 Mill St.in response to a possible psychiatric incident. Upon arrival, he contacted the complainant who said that a girl had been beating in the roof of a car parked on location. Subsequently identified as Kendall Nicole Gambrell, WF, 24, 5’9”, 200 pounds, the subject appeared somewhat disoriented and unable to respond appropriately to several questions. Williamston Officer Vickery arrived on scene as back up and the interview continued. The subject’s friends said they were worried for the safety of Gambrell, who they said had not slept for several days. She agreed to be transported by Pelzer EMS to Prisma Greenville for evaluation. She was cited for malicious damage to personal property.
July 23 – Acting Chief Scott Stoller responded to 9 Burkett St. where Mary Chandler Edwards, WF, 30, 5’4”110 pounds had gained entry through a window after being refused entry by the occupants. She had been placed on trespass notice for the location several months ago, but claimed she had been invited back. The occupants denied that. She allegedly threw items around and damaged a china cabinet. She also cut her foot on some glass and was transported to GMH for treatment. She was also placed on trespass notice again.
July 24 – Ofc. Ryan Marro responded to a shoplifting in progress call at the Dollar General. He apprehended Anthony Lee Burdette, WM, 32. Burdette was placed on trespass notice. He was also in possession of two syringes, and admitted to meth and heroin use. He also admitted three convictions for same in ten years, which elevated the charge to a felony. He was arrested and transported to ACDC.
July 25 – Ofc. Ryan Marro stopped a vehicle for traffic violations. The driver, Joshua Dockery, WM, 35, 5’10”, 135 pounds had a suspended license plate, no insurance and a suspended driver’s license. He was cited for five violations and the vehicle was towed.
July 25 – Ofc. Ryan Marro received a report of a vehicle that was broken into at 78 Main St. The in dash stereo was stolen. The loss was estimated at $300.