SCDHEC Update Dec. 10, 2021


On Friday (Dec. 10) SCDHEC reported 1,021 new cases and 445 probable new cases of COVID-19. DHEC also reported 23 deaths and 6 probable deaths related to COVID.
There were 22,250 molecular test results reported with 5.6 percent positive.
Anderson County reported 58 new cases, 29 probable cases and 2 deaths.
Greenville County reported 128 new cases, 37 probable cases and 5 deaths.
Statewide there were 482 COVID patients in hospitals with 126 in ICU and 65 on ventilators.
In Anderson County there were 37 COVID patients in the hospital with 11 inICU and 7 on ventilators.
In Greenville County there were 64 COVID patients in hospitals with15 inICU and 9 on ventilators.

On Thursday (Dec. 9) SCDHEC reported 664 new cases and 499 probable cases of COVID. There were 12 deaths and 1 probable death related to COVID reported.
There were 16,179 molecular test results reported with positivity rate of 6.8 percent.
Anderson County reported 35 new cases, 24 probable cases and 1 death.
Greenville County reported 65 new cases, 13 probable cases and 7 COVID related deaths.