SCDHEC COVID update – Case number declining daily


South Carolina is now seeing a tremendous decrease in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations following the peak of the Omicron surge. According to DHEC, the virus pandemic continues to trend toward being an endemic and as a result, screening testing is no longer necessary or being recommended in most instances.

DHEC announced that testing efforts going forward will focus on those who need to be tested either because they are currently symptomatic or have been exposed as a close contact to someone with the virus.
In addition, because at-home testing is not reportable, DHEC will no longer report daily case counts as of March 15. DHEC will continue to report hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19, which they say are the most accurate indicators of disease severity and the impact of COVID-19 on the state. The data will be reported on a weekly basis.

Most recently DHEC update shows the following:

On Wednesday (Feb. 23), DHEC reported 586 new cases and 413 probable cases of the coronavirus. There were 11 deaths and 3 probable deaths related to the virus.
Anderson County reported 15 new cases and 13 probable cases.
Greenville County reported 46 new cases and 12 probable cases.
There were 4028 test results reported with 12.8 percent testing positive.

On Tuesday, Feb 22 (for Sunday Feb. 20) DHEC reported 436 new confirmed cases and 301 probable cases of COVID-19 in the state. There were no deaths reported.
Anderson County reported 10 new cases and 5 probable cases.
Greenville County reported 43 new cases and 4 probable cases.
There were 923 COVID patients in hospitals across the state with 187 in ICU and 102 on ventilators.
Anderson County had 45 COVID patients in the hospital with 12 in ICU and 8 on ventilators.
Greenville County had 100 COVID patients in hospitals with 20 in ICU and 11 on ventilators.

On Friday (Feb. 18) DHEC reported 1195 new cases and 741 probable new cases of COVID-19. There were 11 deaths and 3 probable deaths related to COVID. DHEC reported results for 16,890 molecular tests with 9.2 percent positive.
Anderson County reported 44 new cases and 10 probable cases.
Greenville County reported 119 new cases and 17 probable cases.
There were 1094 COVID patients in hospitals with 234 in ICU and 135 on ventilators.
Anderson County had 51 COVID patients in the hospital with 15 in ICU and 9 on ventilators.
Greenville County had 169 COVID patients in hospitals with 19 in ICU and 13 on ventilators.

Feb. 17 – Anderson County reported 33 new cases, 23 probable cases, 1 confirmed and 3 probable COVID related deaths.
Greenville County reported 169 new 125 new cases, 30 probable cases, 15 COVID related deaths and 2 probable COVID related deaths.

On Wednesday (Feb. 16) SCDHEC reported 922 new confirmed cases and 689 probable cases of COVID-19. DHEC also reported 145 deaths and 21 probable deaths related to the virus.
There were 5704 molecular test results reported with 19.0 percent positive.
Anderson County reported 36 new cases, 13 probable cses, 6 deaths and 1 probable death.
Greenville County reported 70 new cases, 24 probable cases 26 deaths and 1 probable death related to COVID.
There were 1240 COVID patients in hospitals with 256 in ICU and 137 on ventolators.
Anderson County reported 63 COVID patients in the hospital with 19 in ICU and 12 on ventolators.
Greenville County reported 124 COVID patients in hospitals with 24 inICU and 15 on ventilators.