West Pelzer Town Council will soon be holding second reading on their $1,166,428 2023-24 budget. The General Fund budget shows revenues and expenditures of $533,301.65. The Public Maintenance Fund shows revenues and expenditures of $633,127.21.
West Pelzer Mayor Blake Sanders said he and Council worked on the budget for months and he met with Department Heads to go through their wants and needs “line by line” to come up with the new budget.
“Our local economy is booming,” Sanders said during the budget presentation March 14. “Tax revenues have increased and water revenue is stable with the buyout of Greenville Water last year.”
Sanders said the town has been able to reduce expenditures across the board for seven straight years.
Sanders pointed out that the budget has minimum financial burden on residents with no tax increase or increases in water, sewer, and sanitation rates and the town will maintain reserves above 20% per MASC recommendations.
Planned Capital Expenditures include:
Chapman Park Improvements $20,000 and Odell Co-Work Space/Community Center$5,000, funded with PARD grants secured by Senator Mike Gambrell.
Other Capital Expenditures include:
Uniform Replacement $4,500; Firearm Replacement $2,400, Vehicle Replacement $51,000, Landscape Contractor $12,000, Festival/Events $4,500, Main Street Safety (leaning rail) $10,000, Electric Sprayer Pump $500, Valve Can Locator $600, Pipehorn Pipe Locator $1,600 and Sidewalk Edger $500.
The budget reflects use of the American Rescue Plan Act funds the town received to recover and improve community.
According to Sanders, the ARPA funding will be used to: Improve landscape and visual improvements along Main Street; Maintain existing events (Mile Long Yard Sale, Pumpkinpalooza, etc.) and ARPA Allocations (economic development, infrastructure, broadband).
Included are: Master Key System $11,500, Branding/Marketing $5,000, Gateway Signage $30,000, Public Maintenance Facility $50,000 and work on the old town hall building which will be known as the Gaines Center $30,000.