Jack O Lantern Jamboree Oct. 26 – In Pelzer


The Town of Pelzer and the Pelzer Masonic Lodge will hold a Jack O Lantern Jamboree and Pumpkin Contest on Saturday, October 26.
The event will be held from 10 am to 4 pm at the Bill Hopkins Ballfields, Hwy. 20, Pelzer. Admission is free.
There will be live music, food trucks, arts and craft vendors, kid zone, pumpkin decorating contest and more. The Pelzer Mason Lodge will have a chili cook-off.
To participated in the Pumpkin decorating contest, you must fill out an application. Applications are due at the Pelzer Town Hall no later than 5 pm on Wednesday, October 23. Applications can be mailed to: Jack O Lantern Jamboree, PO Box 427, 103 Courtney St., Pelzer, SC, 29669.
No applications will be available on the day of the contest.
Applications can be picked up at Town Hall or requested by email.
There is no entry fee, winners will be determined by Community Voting on Saturday, October 26.
Pumpkin contest requirements include: You must provide your own pumpkin, carving/decorating tools, etc. and bring your pumpkin ready to display at the event.
Entries must be on display at Bill Hopkins Ballfields by 10 am to be included in the contest.
A winner will be announced around 4 pm.
All participants should pick up their pumpkin at the conclusion of the event, no later than 4 pm.