During their first meeting of 2025, Williamston Town Council recognized winners and presented awards for Christmas Park displays, Williamston Goes Griswald and Deck the Halls.
Police Chief Kevin Marsee also recognized two police officers.
Officer Josh Cobb was recently promoted to Corporal and received his pin and badge during a ceremony at the Town Council meeting. His wife assisted.
Officer Les Mahaffey was recognized for his efforts in helping provide supplies to the community following the devastation throughout the area caused by Hurricane Helene in late September.
A special presentation was made to the police department by Radiant Life Church in West Pelzer.
Donnie and Deb Walker presented Chief Marsee with a plastic tote container with several toy stuffed animals inside. Deb Walker said tote containers will be made available by the church for all Williamston Police vehicles. The toys will be given to young children during response by officers to difficult situations involving young children.
Chief Marsee said he appreciated the gesture and organizations such as Radiant Life Church who partner with the police department in reaching out to the community.
A ceremonial swearing in was held for new Councilman David Rogers. His wife Pam assisted.
Envision Williamston Executive Director Roberta Hamby updated Council on upcoming events. “Be Mine Bingo” will be held in February, Pastors’ Breakfast and Yard Sale events will be held in March. A talent show and two concerts are also being planned, she said.
There was no old business.
Under new business, Council approved a proclamation honoring Emma Lois Slade.
Council also approved first reading on an ordinance regarding a provision of water and sewer services to properties located outside the town limits.
Mayor Rockey Burgess said the ordinance addresses providing utility services to “doughnut hole” properties which are properties surrounded by Town limits but which are not in the town limits. It will clarify response by law enforcement, codes enforcement and more clearly define corporate town limits for providing water and sewer services.
Mayor Burgess said the ordinance addresses the issue of a property that is not currently in the town limits, but is contiguous, being annexed into the city. It also addresses dealing with new customers and new homes that are outside the town limits but want water and sewer service provided.
Council went into a brief recess to allow Mayor Burgess and new Councilman David Rogers to receive legal advice from Town Attorney Rame Campbell.
Council then went into executive session to discuss details regarding the hiring of a new Municipal Judge.
No additional information on either issue was made public.
Home Anderson County Williamston Williamston Town Council addresses providing out of town services; former employee sworn...