Pelzer still addressing pool property condemnation


During their meeting Tuesday, Pelzer Town Council went into executive session to receive legal advice regarding the Pelzer Pool Condemnation Action they began in 2021.
In March of 2022, the Town of Pelzer filed required documents to exercise the authority of eminent domain and re-acquire the property that was at one time the municipal pool site.
At the time, Mayor Ragland said the town submitted $50,000, the amount the property appraised for, to the Anderson County Clerk of Court, along with the court summons and paperwork to move forward on reclaiming the property.
Ragland said plans are to make it available for public use. According to Ragland, it will be used for public benefit and could possibly be used for athletic or recreational activities, parking, a farmers’ market or a number of other things that benefit residents.
He said the current owners have the option of accepting the $50,000 the town has offered or they can choose to fight it in court.
The property was sold by the town in 2015 for $11,000 and a truck and the pool was filled in by the new owners soon afterward. It was resold again in 2020.
After a number of citizens residing near the property complained about plans for a tire business, Town officials began considering options and decided to re-acquire the property “for public purposes”.
Council voted in September 2021 to use eminent domain authority.
A court summons was filed with the Anderson County Clerk of Court in December 2021 and condemnation notices were sent to property owners.
At the December 2021 Town Council meeting, Town Attorney Richard Thompson said that the property had IRS and SC Tax liens on it.