Amateur Radio Enthusiasts Winter Field Day Saturday


The Anderson Radio Club will hold their annual Winter Field Day event in Williamston this Saturday, Jan. 25.
The event, which showcases the skills and capabilities of amateur radio operators across the United States, is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and will take place at the Mineral Spring Park.
“Winter Field Day is not just a competition; it’s an opportunity for amateur radio enthusiasts to demonstrate emergency communication capabilities under less than ideal conditions, often facing cold weather challenges,” said Anderson Radio Club Vice President Wes Ballard.
Ballard said this year, the Radio Club plans to do the following during their Winter Field Day:
-Promote Emergency Preparedness: By setting up temporary radio stations, we simulate communication scenarios that might occur during real emergencies, showcasing how amateur radio can be a lifeline when other forms of communication fail as was recently the case during Hurricane Helene.
-Educate the Public: We will open our station to the public, offering demonstrations, talks, and hands-on experiences with radio equipment. This is an excellent chance for community members to learn about this technical hobby and its community service aspects.
-Engage and Recruit New Operators: With interactive sessions, we hope to inspire younger generations to explore amateur radio, fostering a new wave of radio enthusiasts.
-Compete Nationally: Operators will participate in a friendly competition to make as many contacts as possible with other stations across the country, using various modes of communication like voice, Morse code, and digital modes.
“Our setup will include multiple radio operators working on various amateur radio bands and modes,” Ballard said.
Visitors can expect to see and interact with Antennas of various designs; Radios capable of reaching across the globe and view Live demonstrations of how to make contact with other operators.
“We will have club members and officers available for interviews who can provide insights into the technology, the event’s significance, and the hobby’s community benefits, Ballard said.
For more information please contact Wes Ballard, Club Vice President at
The Anderson Radio Club is dedicated to advancing the art and science of amateur radio, providing education, emergency communications, and fostering a community of radio enthusiasts in Anderson across the multi-state region, statewide, nationally, and internationally and meet regularly and participate in numerous public service events throughout the year.