Anderson One maintains Excellent Rating


On State Report Card

Anderson District One maintained an excellent rating for the fourth year in a row on the state report card issued recently by the SC Department of Education. The absolute value calculated on the report card places Anderson One in 5th place in the state for student achievement. Eleven schools in Anderson One earned excellent ratings, two schools earned a good rating and one new school was not eligible for a rating this year.

David Havird, District Superintendent, said, “The school leadership, teachers and staff members in Anderson One continue to exhibit exceptional skills, collaboration, and teamwork to make a positive impact on student achievement and learning. I am very pleased with our report card score and all the credit goes to our staff, students and parents for the way they have responded to our high expectations and our increased work load.”

Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Jane Harrison said, “This being the fourth consecutive year to earn Excellent on our report card should confirm that we are serious about the education of our students and their achievement It is affirming to receive an Excellent on our growth rating on the state report card. The growth rating is in place to show progress that all students are making from year to year on state assessments. The Excellent rating better represents our district than the grade of B recently earned from the federal accountability that measures the same information. If you look at each school, you will find some of the best test scores in the state with teachers and students working harder than ever. The teachers are to be commended for their commitment and diligence in promoting excellence. We want the community to know we are raising the bar on learning and students are meeting the challenge.”

Graduation rate is included in the report card calculation for high schools and the district. Anderson One saw an increase from 82.4 in 2011, 85.2 in 2012 and 86.9 for 2013. The state’s graduation rate is 77.5.

Christie Shealy, Director of Testing and Accountability, shared “The state report card grade for Anderson School District One recognizes the tireless efforts of our teachers and staff in trying to reach every student group. The improvement rating of Excellent for the district validates everyone’s strenuous efforts of seeing every student improve!”

Absolute Growth

Anderson District One Excellent Excellent

Cedar Grove Elem Excellent

Concrete Prim Excellent

Hunt Meadows Elem Good

Palmetto Elem Excellent

Powdersville Elem Excellent

Spearman Elem Excellent

West Pelzer Elem Excellent

Wren Elem Excellent

Palmetto Mid Good

Powdersville Mid Excellent

Wren Mid Excellent

Palmetto High Excellent

Powdersville High N/A

Wren High Excellent