District One students top state averages


On EOC testing

Anderson School District One student scores beat the state average on all four End of Course tests, Algebra I, English I, Biology and U.S. History and the Constitution.  

Algebra I results for Anderson One were 84.7 while the state received 82.6.
Biology scores were 84.3 for Anderson One and the state was 82.3.
Anderson One’s students earned 82.9 in English and the state had 79.4.
For US History and the Constitution, the most challenging assessment, Anderson One earned 79.3 while the state received 76.1

Anderson One students were 5th in the state for US History based on the number of students earning a D or better. English I earned the district 4th in the state for students passing the assessment. Students improved scores in English I and US History from 2013-2014.

Jane Harrison, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, said, “The teachers do an outstanding job of teaching the specific content while making it relevant for the students. The assessment is an important measure of whether the students know the material, but it is equally important that students know how to apply their learning in other coursework at high school, later in college or in their chosen career.”