Blake Sanders – Candidate for SC House District 9


Blake Sanders has a strong, conservative record as Mayor and significantly reduced the tax burden for West Pelzer families. Instead of increasing taxes, he established recurring funds through creative marketing and small business recruitment.
Sanders said he is running a campaign centered on common sense conservative principles. “I believe we need leaders willing to put common sense principles over politics. I believe we need leaders who recognize what government should be doing and not be doing.”
“I believe we need leaders who understand the connecting power of infrastructure in our lives,” Sanders said. “I believe we need leaders who won’t cast aside their conservative beliefs when it comes to protecting every life or fighting for the 2nd Amendment.”
“I’m running for State House because we need a conservative government comprised of strong leaders who can walk and chew gum at the same time. South Carolina is blessed with hard-working, God-fearing people. It’s time to get to work.”
Sanders’ vision for South Carolina puts people over politics. When he took office as Mayor, the town of West Pelzer had 0% occupancy in its downtown area, failing roads, and no vision for the future. Eight years later, the downtown has a 100 percent business occupancy and attracts 25,000 visitors annually.
Sanders Conservative Common Sense Plan has five areas of focus: Fix Infrastructure – Address Unchecked Growth; Cut Wasteful Government Spending – Return Dollars to Taxpayers; Protect Conservative Family Values – Defend the Unborn and 2nd Amendment Rights; Attract Jobs & Small Businesses – Focus on Families First; Invest in High-Quality Education – Create a Parental Bill of Rights.
Sanders is a husband, father, landscape architect, professor, and former Mayor of West Pelzer. Sanders grew up in West Pelzer and returned with his wife, Ashley, in 2007 to raise their two children. Sanders is the President and founder of Studio Main, a local planning and landscape architecture firm. The first in his family to graduate from college, Sanders holds a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Clemson University and is now a lecturer at the University. Sanders has served Anderson County in numerous business leadership and volunteer roles.
The GOP Primary Runoff election is June 25.