The Senate returned on Thursday, June 27th to address the Governor’s vetoes. As you know, Governor Haley issued 81 vetoes on Tuesday. The House of Representatives overrode 53 of those vetoes, sending them to the Senate for their vote. In a long Session, the Senate overrode 46 of those 53 vetoes. The sustained vetoes represent $5 million of the State’s budget.
We have completed the first year of a two-year Session, and there are of course issues that were not resolved. You may be assured that we will address those issues in the coming Session, and will continue to work for the good of the people of South Carolina. As always, please feel free to contact me on any issue. I can be reached at my district address, P.O. Box 540, Ware Shoals, S. C. 29692 (864-861-2222), or at my legislative office in Columbia, Post Office Box 142, Columbia, S. C. 29202, 803-212-6350, or through my Email address – WilliamO’