Pelzer Town Council February 12


During the February meeting of Pelzer Town Council, newly elected Councilman Cruz West was officially sworn in by Town Attorney Richard Thompson.
During Public Comments, Linda Ford expressed concerns with the communication barrier between the Mayor and Council. Donna Smith advised the mayor and council that the Board of Zoning Appeals is short one member and is requesting another member. Harold Tennihill stated that the town needs to find ways to get more people involved and suggested a rally, build morale, better communication and possibly hold a volunteer event.
In her police report, Town Clerk Cheryl Bates said there were 33 Traffic Stops, 44 Contacts, 11 Calls for Service and 3 Arrests.
Under old business, Council unanimously approved Gym rental rates effective March 1. The rates are $30/hour, $200/day (8 hours), $50 cleaning fee and $50 refundable deposit. The deposit will be refunded upon inspection after an event as long as there is no damage or broken items. The deposit must be paid separately with either cash or check so the money can be refunded quickly after passing inspection.
Council unanimously approved a rental agreement for Kimberly Majors’ use of the gym for an exercise class. Majors will pay monthly rental of $200 and must obtain a business license. The class will be held on Monday and Thursday nights from 6 to 7 pm.
Council unanimously approved first reading on Ordinance 24-001 to establish requirements for applicants to the Town of Pelzer Planning Commission and Board Zoning.
Council also approved a resolution to apply for SC Opioid Relief Fund grant awards.
Council went into Executive Session to discuss legal matters. No action was taken.