James Galyean – Candidate for SC House District 9


“Our state governments must reclaim their authority in our federal system,” House District 9 candidate James Galyean said. “We have unelected bureaucrats who think they know what’s best for our children, state agencies that actively resist elected officials, and a behemoth state government that must be restructured from top to bottom.”
He also stated other reasons he is running for the office.
“Like many of you, I have watched our nation slip further and further from the principles that made her great. Governments are borrowing money with no intention to repay. Our southern border sits abandoned. We are telling our children the worst sorts of lies about who they are and what they can accomplish in this life. We are surrendering to aggression around the world and selling our farmland to the Chinese here at home. These transgressions cannot continue–And, if we allow them to, we are to blame.”
“As our national government spirals in dysfunction and gridlock, our state governments must reclaim their authority in our federal system. As we have seen in recent days with Texas, states have important roles to fill in solving our nation’s problems. When the federal government refuses to act, or worse, violates the law, it falls to the states to protect their citizens.”
“In South Carolina, we are not without problems. We have unelected bureaucrats who think they know what’s best for our children, state agencies that actively resist elected officials, and a behemoth state government that must be restructured from top to bottom.”
“Yet, despite all these challenges, South Carolinians hold fast to the unwavering hope we inherited from our forefathers who coined our state motto–“While I breathe, I hope.”
“The fruits of this hope overflow across South Carolina: Our people do not shy away from a hard day’s work, our economy attracts investment from around the world, our land is beautiful and productive, and our faith in our country, our state, and our God remains firm and true.”
“Because of our steadfast convictions and our unwavering hope, we must do all in our power to prevent the further decline of our nation—for anything less betrays our obligation to our children and their future.”
“That’s why I am running for the South Carolina House of Representatives.”
“As a husband and father, I want our children to grow up in a safe and civil society where people are treated with the honor and respect they deserve–for we are all made in God’s image.”
“As a businessman, I want our state to place the needs of working families over the interests of foreign corporations.”
“As a taxpayer, I want Columbia to serve its citizens throughout South Carolina instead of growing the industry of state government.”
“As a former prosecutor, I want to see swift justice dealt to criminals with increased penalties for illegal immigrants and violent felons—because the society that winks at crime is the society that embraces unrest.”
Most of us want the same simple things: We want to be free. We want to live virtuous and productive lives and secure a future that enables our children to do the same. We want to keep more of our paychecks and enjoy the fruit of our labor. We want to raise our children according to our own convictions. We want to live in a world governed by common sense and common decency.”
“That’s why I invite you to stand with me as I fight to restore the South Carolina we know and love.”
Vote June 25 Republican Primary Runoff SC House District 9