Williamston council looking at ways to address small projects


All four members of Williamston Town Council were present for a brief work session meeting Tueday. Mayor Pro-Tem Tony Hagood presided over the meeting. Mayor Mack Durham was not present.
Among items discussed were second reading on an ordinance addressing setback guidelines, discretionary accounts for each ward and projects requests not being followed up on.
Town Attorney Lee Cole said the setback ordinance change recommended by the town planning commission, changes setback requirements for Multi-Family residential (MFR) from 25 feet to 15 feet. The ordinance currently has a 35 feet setback for large lots identified as R1. R2 is 15 feet, R3 is 15 feet. MFR is currently 25 feet.
Councilman Rockey Burgess said he is planning to ask the mayor and council to consider setting up discretionary funds for each council ward.
Burgess said there are projects in each ward that need to be addressed and a discretionary fund would provide a way.
The funds could be used for improvements, nuisance abatement, street repairs and other things, he said. Burgess said in his ward, Ward 2, there is a need to replace a number of street signs and similar projects in the town’s other wards.
There was also discussion about overgrown areas where trees and canes are hanging over streets and sidewalks in the town, making them unsafe and in some instances, unusable.
Attorney Cole said he will have a draft ordinance addressing the establishment of funds available for council to consider at the next meeting.
The items are expected to be discussed further and voted on at the Williamston Town Council scheduled for Monday, Aug. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Center.