SCDHEC COVID Update – New cases continue to rise


COVID-19 cases across the State, and locally, continue to increase on a daily basis.
On Aug. 3, (For Sunday, Aug. 1) SCDHEC reported 1651 new cases and 414 probable cases of COVID-19 in the state. There were 2 deaths reported. Of 20,910 molecular test results reported, 19.7 percent were positive.

Anderson County reported 47 new cases and 21 probable new cases of COVID. Greenville County reported 147 new cases and 18 probable cases. Richland County is leading the state in new cases with 186 new and 52 probable.
There were 186 COVID patients in hospitals with 196 in ICU and 87 on ventilators.

On Aug. 2 -DHEC reported numbers for Thursday through Saturday. On Saturday, Anderson County reported 43 new cases and 22 probable cases. Greenville County reported 151 new cases and 36 probable cases. Richland County had 151 new and 84 probable.

For Friday July 30, Anderson County reported 41 new and 13 probable cases. Greenville County reported 98 new and 40 probable new cases.
For July 29 – Anderson County reported 29 new cases and 12 probable. Greenville County reported 130 new and 37 probable.