Caroline Center to host “Williamston’s Got Talent”


Talented hopefuls from all over Anderson, Abbeville, and Greenville counties will soon get a chance to audition in front of judges for a spot in “Williamston’s Got Talent,” a talent show benefiting the Caroline Community Center. Auditions will be January 20 from 5 to 8 p.m. and January 21 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Caroline Community Center. For $5, anyone with talent may audition for the judges, who will select 20 people to be in the February 18 show.

The top prize is $200, and the second and third place winners will receive $100 and $50 respectively.

The Caroline Community Center, managed by the Williamston Action Community Club, is a haven for the area’s senior citizens, where they attend daily fitness and nutrition programs and community meetings and events. During the summer, the WACC also hosts a free summer camp for area children.

“The community center has been a place where residents of the Williamston community could feel safe and appreciated while improving their quality of life,” said Ted Mattison, longtime director of the center.

The talent show will raise money to help the center keep its doors open and continue to provide these critical programs. PlanIt! Upstate, an event-planning company that organizes fundraisers for nonprofit organizations, is presenting the show.

“We are excited about the way the community has rallied to support the center, and the buzz is building about the talent show,” said Samantha Harris, marketing director for PlanIt! Upstate. “We are already getting calls from so many people who want to showcase their talent at the show.”

For more information on the show, or to sign up for auditions, contact PlanIt! Upstate at 864.659.0549.