Williamston Presbyterian Church


Rev. Aaron Ochart
124 Mill St. Williamston, SC 29697
Website: www.williamstonpresbyterian.comDate Established: 1852
History: The Williamston Presbyterian Church traces its history back to 1852 and the founding of the town of Williamston. The original structure was built in 1857-8 and faced north on what is now Mineral Park Lane. In 1914, the church was relocated to face east on Mill Street. The Sanctuary was built in the colonial style. The balcony was originally built for the slaves of church members, and had a separate entrance.The congregation began as a “preaching point” of Old School Presbyterians. The organizing Pastor was the Rev. Savage S. Gaillard who also organized First Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC. The early pastors of Williamston Presbyterian split their time with other churches. One such minister was the Rev. Calvin L. Stewart who was also the minister for Pelzer Presbyterian as well as Lickville, Honea Path, New Harmony, Belton and Piedmont. The first full-time installed pastor was the Rev. Joseph Stowe who came in 1953. In 1953 a building expansion project was undertaken to create the education and fellowship hall wing. Williamston Presbyterian Church joined once again with Pelzer Presbyterian in 2005 under the direction of the Rev. John Hallman.
Special Programs-Classes, Etc: 11am combined worship services during Lent (check website for schedule); 11am Easter Sunday Service; Wednesday Night Bible Studies 6pm; Food Bank Distributions Mondays 9-11:30 am, Tuesdays 4-5pm, and every 3rd Saturday.
Bible Verse: John 3:16-17