Crime Stoppers honors Martin for service


During the White Plains Crime Watch meeting Thursday, the Anderson Area Crime Stoppers honored Ada Martin for her commuinty service and work with Crime Stoppers. Martin became involved with Crime Stoppers and has been a ceaseless advocate to get attention for unsolved homicides, including but not limited to her son’s death, according to Anderson County Sheriff John Skipper.

Martin has taken law enforcement courses and now runs community crime-prevention programs in the White Plains area.

Her son, Richard Channing Martin died Sept. 2, 1995, at the age of 24, of blunt-force head trauma. The death remains classified as an unsolved homicide.

The night he suffered the head trauma, Martin was seen leaving Nancy’s Lounge, now the location of Sue’s Wings and Things, on S.C. 81 near I-85. He left either on foot or in someone’s vehicle. He was found later that evening lying on Welcome Road and died in a hospital soon after of his injuries.

She and other family members began their own investigation about six months after her son’s death, when police told them their leads had grown cold and something new would have to be found to break the case.

Fifteen years and one week after Richard Martin’s death, his family joined Anderson County Sheriff John Skipper and others in a plea for attention for the cold case. “We’re hoping this will stir somebody’s heart,” Ada Martin said. “Maybe make them tell anything they know, anything that might lead us to that final answer.”Ada Martin recognized for community serviceAnderson Area Crime StoppersAda Martin was recently honored by the Anderson Area Crime Stoppers organization for her community service and efforts with Crime Stoppers. Pictured are Chairman – Kenny Caldwell; President – Terry Crooks; Secretary – Evelyn Kay; Treasurer- Fred Bariou and Anderson County Sheriff’s Deputy Cap. Darrell Hill. The presentation was made at the White Plains Crime Watch meeting Thursday.