Around the County . . .


Anderson County Public Works Department worked on the following projects across the county last week.

Airport – This past week there was a lot of large jet freighter activity here at the airport. Had seven DC-9’s and a Boeing 727 came in throughout the week bringing in auto parts from Mexico.

·         Current Fuel Prices: Avgas Full Services – $6.06, Avgas Self Service- $5.64, Jet A $5.51

·         March Stats:

o   Turbine Landings: 55 Jets; 31 Turbo Prop; 51 Helicopter; 12 Charter Operations

o   82% Occupancy in T-Hangars

o   66% Occupancy in Community Hanger

Building & Codes

·         PERMITS SUBMITTED: 10 new single family dwellings; 7 electrical and hvac upgrades/change-outs; 1 foundation repair; 3 detached garages/storage buildings; 3 swimming pool; 5 commercial including Iva First Baptist Church and miscellaneous mechanical/electrical changes/upgrades; 5 mobile home including new homes and change of ownership

·         PLANS SUBMITTED: Plastic Omnium addition/renovations, numerous Michelin US 10 and Group 83, numerous First Quality, New Spring Church office up-fit, Watson Village tenant space interior changes, misc. signs and other misc. resubmittals

·         March Stats

   Total revenue collected-$60,621.80  (re-inspection-$240.00, Powdersville office-$614.00, commercial plan review-$11,719.00)

   Plans reviewed-189  (includes new submittals, preliminary meeting/consultations, resubmittals, follow-ups)

   Single family permits issued-63

   Commercial permits issued-7

   Mobile home permits issued-18

Development Standards

·         Met with City of Belton Officials regarding upcoming audit with FEMA. The audit is required every five (5) years for compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program.  Anderson County is under contract with the Town of Belton for their participation in floodplain administration and will work with FEMA and SCDNR Officials.

·         Met with Monroe Wireless Management, LLC, out of Concord Road for the installation of possible 3 communications tower, locations are on Cox Road, near Highway 29 N, off of McClellan Road near Longview Drive, Anderson, and on property located near the lake to provide for cell phone coverage in these areas.

·         Attended and presented staff report to Citizens Advisory Committee for District 7. The meeting consisted of a proposed fellowship building located on Highway 77, in Williamston. The Committee approved the Special Exception request by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 against the request.  

·         Prepared staff report for upcoming Special Exception request for a proposed fellowship building located on Highway 77, in Williamston to the Land Use Board of Zoning Appeals. The meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2013. Staff will report recommendation from Anderson County Citizens Advisory Committee for District 7 to the Land Use Board.

·         Working with the Home Owners Association (HOA) President regarding a violation of their private covenants and restrictions regarding subdividing parcels of land and building. The property is located on the corner of Lockaby Road and Cherokee Road. The HOA will enforce their requirements and will notify the county if any legal injunctions are placed on the property.  

·         Compliance issues; working with SCDHEC official and property owner on permitting requirements for a home catering business located on Travis Road, Starr.

·         March Stats:

   Land Use Permits; 147

   Septic Tank Permits, 42

  Individual Summary Plats; 47

   Subdivisions; 3 reviews, 1 approved

Planning & Community Development           

·         Preparing the Planning Commission packet for Tuesday, April 9th. (Public Hearing will be held on the ordinance extending the notification of future public hearings.)

·         Scheduling/planning a continuing education course to take place on Thursday, May 16th. The topic will be “Current Planning Zoning Issues for Urban and Rural Communities”. (All County planners and planning officials, including Planning Commissioners and Zoning Board of Appeals Members, are required to take a minimum of 3 hrs. continuing education a year. AICP planners (Certified Planners) are required to take more.)

·         Fielded inquiries regarding the Denver-Sandy Springs’ zoning status and general planning issues

·         Met with Public Safety staff to go over planning input to the Continuing Operations Plan in case of disaster or terrorist event.

·         Confirmed with contractor Riverside Mill field work will commence on Monday.  Some work may be slowed by wet soil conditions, but it will commence

·         Prepared memo for Planning Commission regarding proposed ordinance to expand zoning notification

·         Worked with GIS department to create maps for the Airport Height and Land Use Areas.

Roads & Bridges

·         Road closure notices were posted and a news release sent out for the closure of Airline Road (C-15-120) on Monday, April 15, 2013 for the bridge replacement project for the bridge just south of the SC 28 (Abbeville Highway) intersection.  This project will be the first of its kind in South Carolina.  County crews will be building a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil – Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) foundation.  The bridge will be supported by layers of special Geosynthetic fabric and small stone with a concrete block façade.  The project is expected to take one year to complete; Received SCDHEC stormwater permit approval for Airline Road Bridge.

·         Broadwell Mill Road (C-12-0045) Bridge approach was paved and guardrail installation was started; opening was delayed until Thursday April 11th due to heavy rains April 4th and 5th.

·         Walking track at the Civic Center was dressed up with soil and grassed. Project completed.

·         Regular shoulder mowing began April 2nd in all seven sections of the county.

·         Received SCDOT encroachment permit approval for the Welcome Road (S-96) and Alliance Parkway (C-06-0030) intersection improvement project.

·         Released revocation of MetroConnect’s permit for their sewer project in Piedmont on 4/1/13.  Having secured a competent paving contractor, they can now continue their work on county road right-of-way in Piedmont.

·         Three light posts and two high-mast bulbs were out on the I-85 lighting system on 3/29/13.  One high-mast bulb was replaced this week and the other electrical repairs are being coordinated with Building and Grounds electricians and the vegetation crew’s bucket truck.

·         Two roads have been completed on the pavement marking contract:  Clinkscales Road (C-15-0146) and Providence Church Road (C-08-0110).  Due to heavy rains, further work has been postpone until Monday, 4/8/13.

·         On-call crew received 2 after-hours call-outs for a total of 4.5 hours (tree removal from roadway).

·         2 inmates were available this week for litter pick-up.

·         March Stats:

o   646 Requests received; 517 work orders completed; 294 pending.

o   10 after-hours call-outs for a total of 17 hours.

o   16 Encroachment Permits for $1236.40 (YTD: 167/$27,074.00)

Solid Waste      

·         KAB Program Coordinator worked with the Town of Pendleton with their Pride Day Event.

·         KAB of Anderson County and Heritage Garden Club partnered in planting a tree at Foothills Alliance for Arbor Day. The tree was planted in memory of a club member that had recently passed away. About 50 family and friends gathered for the tree dedication.

·         Environmental Educator and staff spent time at the Whitefield Convenience Center handing out recycling and litter information to educate our residents with helpful hints.

·         On 3/21/13, The Senate Medical Affairs Committee approved the amendment for Flow Control by a vote of 9-6. The amendment may protect existing obligations. Senate will be returning from furlough on April 9th. There may be an attempt for moving H.3290 to special order.

·         The complaints at the properties on 2619 A Paige Dr. and 31 Breazeale Dr. have been cleaned up in accordance to Anderson County Ordinances. We are continuing to work on 330 and 304 Addison Circle. 

·         Staff has been picking up litter this week on Vandiver Road and Cox Rd. We also picked up litter and 8 tires on Mayfield Height Rd.


·         March Stats:

o   C.A.T. Anderson Route: 3,504 passengers (YTD 36,037)