During their recent monthly meeting, the Anderson School District One Board of Trustees named Jeffrey Simpson as Assistant Principal at Cedar Grove Elementary School and approved other personnel recommendations for the upcoming school year. Brandon Koon was named Assistant Principal at Concrete Primary.
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent David Havird, the Board approved the following:
Recommendations – Mickey Crocker, Physical Education, Palmetto High; Susan Floyd, Media Specialist, Wren Middle; Terry Frady, Business, Palmetto High; Dean McCombs, English, Palmetto High; Briggette Schultz, Grade 4, Palmetto Elementary; Pam Whiteside, Grade 4, Cedar Grove Elementary.
Transfers – Brandon Koon, from Palmetto Elementary, Grade 4 Teacher to Assistant Principal at Concrete Primary; Dusti Gossett, from Early Interventionist to 4-Year Kindergarten Teacher, .5 FTE Hunt Meadows Elementry.
Resignations – Cassandra Gary, Grade 4, Cedar Grove Elementary; Charlene Hudson, English, Palmetto High.
Request for Leave – Laura Hammond, Psychologist, District Office; Dr. Ashley Murray, Grade 2, Wren Elementary; Allyson Southerland, Music, West Pelzer Elementary and Heather Wilson, Grade One, Wren Elementary.