Williamston Town Council updates, presentations


The Wiliamston Town Council meeting Monday included eight presentations.

Williamston Police Chief Tony Taylor updated council on the Community Action Network program which he said is working on positive change through community service. The network involves coordinating activities and events with the police department, town and other groups.

One of the next events is a Palmetto High School Alumni Reunion planned for Sept. 21 in Mineral Spring Park.

According to Chief Taylor, the police department is also planning to implement a Citizens Police Academy in October. Taylor said the department is also working on a reserve program and providing additional in-house training.

Recent training was held for two Road Sergeant positions which Taylor said is “the first of its kind here.”

Councilman Tony Hagood reported the Community Action Network Fun Day held in August was well received and well organized. The event partnered with the 107 Days of Non-Violence initiative to hand out backpacks and school supplies and to encourage local children to avoid violence.

Councilman Otis Scott reported that the town is planning a clean up day which will include pick-up of specific items and a group of volunteers will be available to assist some residents with clean up.

Kevin Laird of Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc. engineering firm reported that a meter pit has been installed for a new water line in the Beaverdam Road area and that a tap into the 20 inch regional water line has been made.

Water samples have been sent to DHEC for testing and the town is waiting results, Laird said. DHEC permit approval to begin using the new line should take place later this week. the project will increase water pressure to Williamston water customers in that area.

Laird said work on the Academy St. sewer line project is progressing and should be completed by the end of the month.

Laird also reported that the Anderson County Transportation Committee has approved $165,000 in paving for Hill Avenue and Ellison St.