The Parents Club for Residential Services of Anderson County Disabilities and Special Needs Board will be hold their Third Annual Lake Lappers 5K Run/1 Mile Walk Fundraiser on Saturday, September 21, 2013 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Darwin Wright Park, Hwy. 178, Anderson.
The Club Events Coordinator, Terri Riley Martin, invites all runners and walkers in Anderson County to participate in the event. The club is adding an overall male and female runner award of $100 each in memory of long time runner Bob Riley of Morganton, NC. His sister, Rhonda, is in the special needs program.
The Parents Club was formed to raise funds throughout the year for the citizens of Anderson County with disabilities and special needs that receive services from the Board.
Some of the consumers of the agency are without family or loved ones to help them financially so the fundraiser profits will be used to help with clothing, food, Christmas gifts and general care when needed.
The race is considered not only a fundraiser but also to involve the ACDSNB consumers in community events.
They will participate as runners and/or walkers in the races and will be volunteering by distributing water and awards. Martin said she hopes to see a huge crowd this year to show their support for the special needs community. Contact Martin at (864) 276-7243 for registration information or register online at